(Tokyo Composite Television) The questionnaire survey launched by Japan Economic News on more than 100 companies shows that more than 60 % of Japanese companies believe that the risk of business in China has risen, and the sense of crisis of real estate bubbles is getting more and more sense of crisis.powerful.

This survey of about once every three months, the object is the manager of major domestic companies in Japan.The survey was conducted from August 28th to September 11th, and a total of 145 companies answered.The survey shows that Japanese business operators are increasingly worried about the prospects.

Ishida's President Ishii Ishii believes that China will continue for a period of time due to real estate problems, reduced exports, and slow consumption recovery;The real estate market is sluggish. At present, the Chinese economy has a very severe situation, and the sales of alcohol products have also begun to be affected.

Among the Japanese companies interviewed, only 20 % said that in the next two or three years, they will expand their business in China, and about three -quarters will say that they will maintain scale.As for only about 10 % of Japanese companies that will expand their business in China 10 years, they decide to expand their business in Chinese domestic demand.

For Japanese companies that believe that investment risks in China have risen, the three major issues they are most worried about are Sino -US trade friction, real estate bubble rupture, and conflict between the two sides of the strait.

Nearly 60 % of Japanese companies believe that the global economy will be stagnated

In addition, nearly 60 % of Japanese companies believe that the global economy will stagnate, an increase of one percentage point from three months ago, and it is also a new high since December 2011.

It is believed that "China's economic stagnation" is the most main reason, accounting for 80.7 %; followed by "European economic stagnation" and "resource and raw materials are high", each accounts for 48.2 %.

The president of the construction of Shimizu Construction said that due to the high inflation in Europe and the United States and the high interest rates that come from, the long -term Russian and Ukraine War caused the high price of resource prices, coupled with the unclear economic prospects,The world is in a situation of economic slowdown.