After the floating barrier set up by the China Maritime Police in the South China Sea's sovereign dispute areas, the Philippines said that ships between the two countries did not confront them at sea.

A spokesman for the Philippine Coast Guard Tatari Tuesday (September 26) told Radio Philippine that the Chinese Maritime Police even cleared the residue of floating barrier near SCARBORBOROUGHSHOAL (Chinese known as Huangyan).

Tarira also said that

Tarila said that when the Philippine vessels performed "special action", there were four Chinese ships nearby, but they were "not so aggressive."Tarira also added that it was clear that some media could be seen on the Philippines.

According to Tarira, a few hours later, the barrier was demolished and could not block the lagoon a few hours later, and the residue of the barrier was removed.

Tarira also told the US CNN Philippine Channel: "They (China) may set up a floating barrier again, and track and dangerous exercises again."

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin accused the Philippines of the so -called statement at a regular press conference on Tuesday.He emphasized that China will firmly safeguard the sovereignty and marine rights and interests of Huangyan Island, and advise the Philippines not to provoke trouble.

Scarberry shallow beach is the main fishing spot about 200 kilometers from Luzon Island, Philippines.In 2012, after China and the Philippines confronted the nearby waters, Beijing controlled the Skobel shoal beach.

This year, the ships of China and the Philippines have confronted several times in the seas where the southern China Sea sovereignty, such as the Ayunjin Reef (China Celebrate Renai Reef) (China, China).

Manila accused Beijing accusing Beijing for hazardous and aggressive behaviors, and used water cannons to block the Philippine ship to transport rotation personnel and supplies to the abandoned warships on the beach of Ayunjin Reef.Beijing claims that the Philippines' beach warships are illegal.