Why is the Pacific Island Country important?

The "Pacific Island State" generally refers to 14 countries scattered in the southwestern Pacific. Although these countries are small, they are in the only way for maritime trade and rich in natural resources. The exclusive economic zone spans the large Pacific waters.If a military conflict broke out in the Indo -Pacific region in the future, they may become an important outpost base for ships to stop and supplement fuel in various countries.

Mohadas, deputy assistant minister in charge of East Asian affairs, said at the Congress hearing that the Pacific Island country played a key role in the strategic vision of the United States in the United States.He pointed out that the "Freedom Contact Treaty" signed by the United States, the Federal Federation, the Marshall Islands, and the Palauland is the three Pacific island nations, which can ensure that the Pentagon can be able to curb the aggression, and to end the conflict and maintain the peace in Indo -Pacific region when necessary., Safety and stability are crucial.

Why do Chinese and Pacific Island countries have to worry about the United States?

Some Pacific island nations have a long -term relationship with allies such as the United States and Australia, New Zealand.But in recent years, the Pacific has gradually been pulled into the track of China, which is obviously unwilling to see Western countries such as the United States.In 2022, Sub-signed a safety agreement with China , causing China to be locally in the local area.The garrison of the garrison.

During World War II, the Solomon Islands was an important battlefield. Today, any hostile military existence in the Pacific region may still threaten Australian and New Zealand's trade routes, as well as U.S. territorial Hawaii and Guam.

The West is also worried that the Pacific Island country may stand on the side of China in the United Nations and other international organizations to help mainland China isolate Taiwan.

Is the U.S. hedging China's influence measures effective?

At the first American -Pacific Island State Leadership Summit in September last year, the United States reached the United States -Pacific Partnership Agreement with the Pacific Islands in September, promising to take more actions in climate change, economic development and security cooperation.The White House said at the time that the United States has directly provided more than $ 1.5 billion in assistance to the Pacific Island country in the past 10 years and will provide new assistance of more than $ 810 million.US President Biden also announced a number of measures, including appointment of the first special envoy of the United States forum in the Pacific Islands, and the expansion of the U.S. International Development Agency in the Pacific.

At the second summit just held, Biden promised to provide another $ 200 million.However, the Solomon Islands Prime Minister Solomare and Vanuatu Prime Minister Kilman .This shows that in the Pacific Island country, there is still a long way to go to China to catch up with China.

In addition, although the United States has fulfilled some of the commitments made at the summit last year, such as the new US International Development Agency Office in the Pacific, the U.S. Congress has not yet approved most of the funding commitments made last year.