(United Nations Comprehensive Electric) UN Secretary -General Guterres warns that a new round of nuclear arms competition will bring a threat of "destruction" to the world.North Korea has accused South Korea and the United States pushing the Korean Peninsula to the edge of the nuclear war, forcing North Korea to accelerate its self -defense capabilities.

September 26 (Tuesday) is the last day of the general debate of the 78th UN General Assembly, and it is also "completely eliminating nuclear weapons International Day."Gutres told the conference that day: "The worrying new army reserve competition is brewing. The number of nuclear weapons may increase again after decades. Regardless of time, place and situation, the use of any nuclear weapons will trigger an unprecedented humanitarian disaster."

He warned: "The nuclear swords are loud again. This is too crazy. We must reverse the situation."

At present, the most nuclear weapons are the United States and Russia, but China's nuclear arsenal is also expanding rapidly.North Korea also ignored the condemnation of the international community, continued to develop nuclear weapons and tried many times to shoot missiles.

The annual report released by the Institute of International Peace, Stockholm in June shows that in 2022, the world nuclear country has increased its investment in nuclear weapons for the third consecutive year.

The total number of nine -larvaled nuclear nuclear warheads is 125,000 in China's inventory increase

In early 2023, the total number of nuclear warheads in the British, China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, and the United States was 12,512.Although this decreased by about 1.6%from the previous year, the available nuclear warheads increased 86 to 9,576.Among them, the largest increase is China, and the nuclear warhead inventory increased from 350 to 410.The report predicts that the decline in the number of nuclear warheads will reverse.

Getres said that the weapons of nuclear powers are becoming faster, more accurate and more difficult to detect.He urged the nuclear country to fulfill the obligations of the disarmament, promised not to use nuclear weapons, and demanded to strengthen the nuclear disarmament and nuclear non -diffusion framework established in the past decades, including non -diffusion nuclear weapons treaties to prohibit nuclear weapons treaties, and the full -prohibited nuclear test that has not yet effectively prohibited nuclear tests was prohibited.treaty.

He said: "The world has been shrouded in the shadow of nuclear weapons for too long. Let's take a step back from the edge of the disaster ... by turning nuclear weapons into history to create history."

North Korea's representative criticized the United States, Japan and South Korea alliances as "Asian Edition NATO"

North Korea's Permanent Representative of the United Nations spoke at the meeting on the same day that the current conflict between the Korean Peninsula was out of touch, and the danger of the outbreak of nuclear warfare was imminent, and this situation blamed South Korea on "the charming and humiliation policy of relying on external forces."

He said: "Considering the current situation, North Korea urgently needs to accelerate the establishment of self -defense to ensure that it is indestructible. North Korea's determination to defend national sovereignty, security interests and the well -being of the people, and still unswervingly resist external hostility threats."

North Korea has repeatedly fired ballistic missiles this year, and rarely held three military parade.The picture shows the military parade in North Korea on July 27 this year to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the victory.(Agence France -Presse)

Venus described that the military alliance of the United States, Japan and South Korea is the "Asian version of NATO" and will push Northeast Asia to the "New Cold War" pattern.He also said that the US -South -South Korea nuclear negotiation team established earlier aims to plan and execute the premium of North Korea.

For South Korean President Yin Xiyue condemned North Korea for the sake of military cooperation with Russia. Venus said that South Korea's "just colonies in the United States" and the development of equal and mutually beneficial relationships between independent sovereignty countries is not a question of South Korea's interference.

South Korean representatives refer to the tension of launching missiles in the Chao Dynasty

Kim Shanzhen, deputy representative of the United Nations, refuted Venus in the United Nations, is nonsense.He asked the representatives of the meeting: "Do you really believe in North Korea's fictional statements, that is, South Korea and the United States have no reason to conspire, will it cause a nuclear war that will cause catastrophic casualties on the Korean Peninsula?"

In response to North Korea's definition of South Korea and the United States as "exercise for aggression against North Korea", Jin Xiangzhen said that this is the long -standing defense exercise of the two countries. North Korea is the only country that forcibly implement nuclear tests in the 21st century.It also launched the intercontinental ballistic missile provocation this year to exacerbate tensions.