Suzuki Motor's Indian subsidiary Tu Reuters/Anushree Fadnavis

Filippo Gori, CEO of Morgan Chase Asia Pacific, said the bank believes that India, Australia and Japan may be the three fastest growing markets in the Asia -Pacific region next year, and the Chinese economy remains tough.

GORI said to Reuters: People have begun to be excited about the entire China +1 elements. Although other countries have benefited from it, India may be the biggest beneficiaries.He refers to the strategy of diversified supply chain outside China.

In an interview with Mumbai, he said that this is because India has enough scale to absorb some of the supply chains that many companies around the world are seeking transfer.

Transnational companies such as Apple have expanded production in India, and other companies such as Tesla are also discussing production in the country.

In the fiscal year as of March 31, 2024, India is expected to grow by 6.5%as the third largest economy in Asia, and it will become one of the fastest growing major economies.

GORI said: In my opinion, one part of (India) is a more organized infrastructure. Compared with China, India's infrastructure is more scattered and unified.He believes that the low -end manufacturing industry is getting out of China, but the high -end manufacturing industry has not yet gone out of China.

Despite being excited, Morgan Chase's business volume in the region's mergers and acquisitions, equity and debt financing in the region was weak, and India was no exception.

GORI said that the level of consultation and activities in India is picked up sharply.

When it comes to the influence of China's economic slowdown and its market fluctuations, Gori said that JP Morgan Chase has not seen a sharp decrease in the Chinese market's business volume.

I think we need to distinguish between news headlines from daily business, because China has actually been extremely tough.

He said that the main customer base of the bank is overseas companies that develop business in China, and these businesses have not been affected by geopolitics.

I do not rule out some trading activities in China, because it is obvious that with the structural adjustment of economic experience, some trading activities may occur.