According to a Congress obtained by Reuters and a US Senator, because Egypt failed to meet the conditions of the United States on the release of political prisoners and other issues, the United States planned to detain 85 million US dollars (about 115 million new new in EgyptYuan) Military assistance.

Reuters reported that Democratic Senator Murphy urged the Bayeng government to detain $ 235 million, and two other sources familiar with the matter said that they are expected to make decisions on these funds soon.When asked about Murphy's remarks in the Senate, a US State Department spokesman said: "We are negotiating with Congress to finally determine our actions."

$ 55 million will be transferred to Taiwan

The U.S. State Department lists a letter of foreign military funding in a letter to the Congress. The letter shows that among the $ 85 million, $ 55 million will be transferred to Taiwan, and the remaining $ 30 million will be transferred to the transfer.Give Lebanon.

For a long time, human rights organizations have accused Egypt's extensive infringement of human rights under the leadership of President Cecil, including torture and forced disappearance.Since the end of 2021, Egyptian officials have adopted some measures they believe to solve right issues, including starting human rights strategies and ending emergency status, but critics believe that these measures are mainly superficial articles.

Some of the more well -known detainees have been forgiven or released, but activists said that the number of new detainees is more than the number of releases, and thousands of political prisoners are still detained in prisons.strict.

For decades, the United States has provided about 1.3 billion US dollars of assistance to Egypt each year for the purchase of American weapon systems and services.This assistance was mainly the result of the peace treaty in 1979.In the past ten years, the US Congress has stipulated that some aid must meet human rights conditions.

According to US law, the prerequisite for $ 85 million is that Egypt "made clear and sustainable progress in releasing political prisoners, providing legitimate legal procedures for the detention to prevent intimidation and harassment of American citizens."The administrative department cannot avoid these conditions.

Another $ 235 million condition is that Egypt meets the requirements of democracy and human rights.However, if the administrative department proves that this is in line with the national security interests of the United States, these conditions can be exempted.There is also a loophole in the $ 235 million, which can be provided to Egypt, whether it is used for "anti -terrorism, border security and anti -diffusion projects in Egypt."