Russian President Putin on Wednesday (September 13) at the Eastern Space launcher, we welcomed the visiting North Korean leader Kim Jong -un.

Reuters reports that the Vostochny Cosmodrome is located in Amurur in Russia's Far East and is Russia's most modern Rocket launcher.

When I saw Kim Jong -un, Putin said, "I am glad to see you" and shook hands with Kim Jong -un for about 40 seconds.Putin told Kim Jong -un, "This is our new space launch field", and also said, "We are proud of the development of this industry."

Kim Jong -un expressed his gratitude to Putin's invitation to Russia for his invitation to Russia.

Kim Jong -un said that Russia is fighting a sacred war with the West, and North Korea and Russia will fight against "imperialism."

He said: "Russia launched a sacred war for sovereignty and security ... In order to fight against hegemony, a sacred war." "We will always support the decision of President Putin and Russian leaders ... we will jointly oppose imperialism."

The reporter asked Putin earlier that day whether Russia would help Kim Jong -un to build a satellite. Putin said: "This is why we are here (Oriental Aerospace launches).They are also trying to develop the aerospace business. "