(New Delhi Comprehensive News) Gionerkeva, president of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), said that the Indian MDASH; Middle East MDASH; the European Economic Corridor;, It should not rule out any country.

Gorkoya said in New Delhi on Sunday (September 10): If we want trade to become a growth engine, we must create an economic corridor and opportunities.

她在二十国集团(G20)领导人峰会场边接受美国消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC)访问时强调:重要的是,做这件事必须是为了所有人的利益,而不是为了排除其他people.For this significance, I encourage all countries to cooperate with the spirit of economic integration.

The United States, Saudi Arabia, the European Union, India, the UAE, France, Germany, and Italy announced that they will cooperate to build India's MDASH; the Middle East MDASH; the European Economic Corridor (IMEC).The route is connected to strengthen the interconnection of Asia, Arabia and Europe.

As the global supply chain is adjusted with the continuous changes in geopolitical situations, this plan is considered to curb China's influence in the Middle East, and China's Belt and Road initiative.However, the fragmentation of the global economy has limited trade growth, and global trade growth has lagged behind economic growth.

Georkiyeva pointed out that the crown disease and RussiaThe lessons brought by the war are that the global supply chain needs to be strengthened, and it must be further diversified and interconnected.The more investment in infrastructure, the more trade platforms between countries, and the more beneficial to the relevant countries and the world economy, because the expansion of transportation, communication and trade connections will have a positive spillover effect.

IMEC participated in the country within two months to formulate plans to decide whether to cooperate with Iran

IMEC project participants will meet in the next two months to formulate action plans.It is unclear whether they intend to cooperate with Iran in India and the Middle East; if they bypass Iran, the new corridor must pass through Afghanistan and Russia.This plan cannot lack the participation of Indian Death Pakistan, in order to connect India and western regions through the railway.

The G20 promises in the joint statement of the summit to protect the most vulnerable group in the world by promoting fair growth and strengthening macroeconomic and fiscal stability.The Modi government of India shows that in the year when the G20 round -value chairman country, its focus is to enhance the status of global southern countries in the G20 agenda.These agenda include multilateral bank reforms and global frameworks for establishing sovereign debt restructuring.

In the year of India's rotating chairman country, the discussion of the G20 mainly provided more loans to developing countries with more loans, reforming international debt structures, regulatory cryptocurrencies, and unknown geopolitics to developed countries.

IMF warns that after a series of major impacts, the economic recovery is slow and uneven.Faced with the high rate of inflation, high interest rates and increasingly differentiated economic situations, the current midterm growth prospects are the weakest for decades.Golkaya issued a statement after the G20 summit on Sunday, calling on member states to strengthen the global financial security network.

Members of the G20 must be used as an example. By supporting the consolidation of multilateral development banks, and fulfilling the commitment to provide $ 100 billion in climate financing every year, hellip; hellip; countries must also mobilize domestic resources to fund and manage the green transformation process.Public expenditure, strong financial institutions and deep local debt markets.

She pointed out that in order to make the global economy more strong and tough in the more vulnerable world, it is essential to reach an agreement on increasing IMF quota resources this year.This will ensure that the IMF has the funds required to provide interest -free support for the most poorest country through lsquo; poverty reduction and growth trust fund RSQUO;

The quota of each member country is the main source of funds of the IMF, and the share of each country roughly reflects its relative position in the world economy.IMF is undergoing a total quota for at least every five years.