Japanese media reported that in the past ten years, China's use of economy has made pressure on other countries in the field of trade and investment, which has attracted attention from various countries.To this end, the Japanese government plans to introduce economic security and industrial policy this year to cope with China's economic stress.

The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) summit held in Hiroshima, Japan in May this year formulated a joint document on economic security, which clearly stated that countries will unite for "deterrent and counterattack economic coercion".In order to strengthen the cooperation between partners, it is also announced that Seven Kingdoms will establish a "coordination platform"

The Nikkei quotes data from the German Institute of Institute of Merkato in Germany. From 2010 to June 2023, the worldwide was confirmed by about 130 stress on China.The newspaper also believes that Fukushima First Nuclear Power Power Processing Water Row Sea Japanese seafood food was strictly forbidden to be a "economic coercion" case.

As an example, Australia was investigated for the origin of crown diseases, and as a result, tariffs on products such as wood, coal, wine and other products were raised.The article also mentioned Taiwan, saying that Taiwan was banned from importing seafood and other products by mainland China for resisting the "one -Chinese policy".

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida visited Jakarta, Indonesia, and participated in international conferences such as the "Ayana III" summit.He said: "In Asia in Asia, some countries have restricted the import of Japanese agricultural and forestry products, but these countries have canceled these restrictions. Now, only mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau have tightened measures. China has taken unconventional operations in China for this nuclear treatment water."

Analysis believes that Japanese officials are also likely to use China to prohibit the import of Fukushima aquatic products as a "economic coercion" case in the upcoming measures.

Japanese official plans to cooperate with Japanese companies to set up defense technology leakage China

Nikkei reported that Japanese officials also intend to cooperate with the Japanese corporate community to set up defense for Japanese technology leakage.The newspaper states that China can first give foreign preferential benefits for the introduction of technology.Once the technology is available, it can be applied in Chinese products, and the original preferential policy is reserved.

The newspaper stated that some Japanese companies had tasted their suffering and decided to withdraw from China.Relevant Japanese departments will record these cases in order to let more countries understand.

Nikkei pointed out that China is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) that promotes free trade.Since it is benefited from free trade, we should not put pressure on other countries in the interests of the country, which will cause the world to become more split.