Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau said that due to China's tough foreign policy, Canada and China have no space for "recreation".

Bloomberg reported that Trudeau said in an interview with the agency on Thursday (September 7) in Singapore: "China's decision in the past few years has increased the difficulty of the relationship between the two countries -not only in Canada, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, but others, others, but also others.The same is true of the country. "

Trudeau admitted that he hoped to reach a free trade agreement with China when he came to power in 2015.But the relationship between the two countries turned in 2018.At that time, Canada's extradition of the United States arrested Meng Wanzhou, an executive of Chinese communications giant Huawei, and China later detained two Canadians and embarked on some Canadian food exports.

Trudeau said that in the past few years, it is full of challenges. "The two Canadians were detained arbitrarily for political reasons, bringing real chills to the relationship between the two countries." But he also emphasized that China is the "most in the world in the world.One of the important economies, no one can ignore it. "He pointed out that the relationship between Canada and China is now "stable", but there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Trudeau said that the relationship between the two countries has not deteriorated at present, but after the above -mentioned Canadian citizens' detained incident, Canada -China relations have not improved as they want.

In addition, the Trudeau administration has been accused of improper or ignoring the evidence of China's intervention in the Canadian federal elections. These charges have prompted major diplomatic frictions in May this year and expelled each other diplomats.Trudeau said in an interview on Thursday that his Minister of Public Security will announce a public investigation of China's intervention elections later that day.

Trudeau also said that Canada is promoting a foreign agent registration system similar to the United States and Australia, but the government has a cautious attitude towards the matter because of such tools in history.

However, Trudeau also emphasized that Canada must contact China in some areas, including climate change issues.