U.S. President Biden arrived on September (September 8th) to arrive in New Delhi, India's capital in the evening.> Twenty Group (G20) Summit .

Bynden immediately held a bilateral talks with Indian Prime Minister Modi and issued a joint statement.The statement called on all the governments at all levels of the global agenda to continue the fundamental transformation of the US -India strategic partnership.

Biden clearly emphasized that the United States supported India as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

The Voice of America reported that the White House announced on Friday's 29 -point joint statement that Modi reiterated that the close and lasting partnership between India and the United States.

Modi and Biden promised to strengthen cooperation in a series of areas, including key and emerging technology areas such as trade, chips and quantum, supply chain, nuclear energy and renewable energy, and education.The university in India and the United States University Federation signed a memorandum of establishing an Indian -US Global Challenge Research Institute.

They reiterate their commitments to deepen and make the deepening and diversified Indian -US defense partnerships by expanding new and emerging fields such as space and artificial intelligence in space and artificial intelligence.


statement mentioned that the United States will invest about 300 million US dollars (about S $ 400 million) to expand its R & D business in India.The two countries have also established two joint working groups, focusing on cooperation in the field of "Open Ran" (Open Ran ", as well as the research and development of 5G/6G technology.The United States has been vigorously promoting such a structure to replace the equipment of China Telecom giant Huawei.

Bynden reiterated its support for the reform of the United Nations Security Council and made India a permanent member of the country.The United States also welcomes India to run for the seat of the Security Council in 2028-29.

This statement did not mention mainland China or Taiwan, nor did it mention the South China Sea, but Biden and Modi reiterated that the Quad of the Sifang Safe Dialogue (QUAD) is supporting a "free, open, tolerant and tough sealThe importance of too much region.

India will host the next Quartet Leadership Summit in 2024.

China is unhappy about the security dialogue that India has joined the United States, including Australia and Japan, and believes that this mechanism is obviously to fight against China and aims to create the Asian version of "NATO".

The two -day G20 summit opened on September 9th in New Delhi.