Relevant sources of the Russian government said that Russia and North Korea are negotiating Russian President Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong -un.At the same time, North Korea vigorously promoted the Vice Premier of the State Council of the State Council of China , the trend of the three countries of the North China and Russia is increasingly obvious.

The Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) quoted the relevant Russian government persons reports that the Russian North Korea is discussing the place where the two countries have held talks.And the Russian Far East military -related facilities.

Relevant sources also said that until now, the DPRK is still changing the plan, implying that the negotiations and venues may change after coordination between the two parties.

The New York Times reported that Kim Jong -un may meet Putin at the Oriental Economic Forum (EEF) event at the Far East University of Vladivostok from September 10th to 13th.

Although the North Korean Society did not report Kim Jong -un's visit to Russia, it was reported that Liu Guojie, Vice Premier of the State Council of China, will attend the 75th anniversary celebration of the Korean National Day.

Voice of America analyzes Pyongyang's satellite photos reported that the west and east side of the Kim Il Sung Plaza in Pyongyang can see people with red flags and flowers. It is North Korea's preparation for the National Day celebration on September 9.North Korea is also preparing to hold a military parade, which is larger than in previous years.

Report: North Korea and Russia will promote large -scale weapons transactions in the head talks

In addition, South Korea and North Korea Daily reported on Thursday (September 7) that North Korea will promote large -scale weapons transactions during the head talks, but in fact North Korea has mobilized hackers to steal Russian weapon technology from a few years ago.

The report of the Korean Daily analysis of the network security company "Genians Security Center" shows that from January to March 2022, North Korea hackers invaded the Russian satellite development enterprise "Sputnix" and Russia's largest tank production enterprise network, and stole super small satellitesA large amount of intelligence and S-300 missile technology.

Fang Zhongguan, director of the National Institute of Strategic Research (Krins), said: "For North Korea, Russia is both the best weapon buyer and AIA, but also the target of plunder technology."