(Washington Complex) The United States officially announced that it provides additional military assistance to Ukraine, including depleted uranium bombs emitted by tanks.This is the first time that the United States has provided such controversial weapons to the Ukraine. Russia condemn the "inhumane" , which is "criminal act."

On the occasion of U.S. Secretary of State Brills visited Kiev, the Ministry of Defense issued a statement on Wednesday (September 6) that it would provide Ukraine with an additional aid of US $ 175 million (about S $ 238.85 million) to Ukraine.Assist the Ukraine to resist Russia's aggression.The most interesting of these military aid is the 120 mm depleted uranium bomb launched from the main battle tank of ABRAMS in the United States.The ammunition of rocket launchers.

Earlier this year, Britain had provided Ukraine with depleted uranium bombs, and the United States decided to do so for the first time.The United States is expected to send depleted uranium to Ukraine this year.

Russia condemn: The risk of direct armed conflict in the outbreak of nuclear countries with nuclear countries

Russia has condemned the risk of direct armed conflicts in the outbreak of nuclear countries in the United States, which may be upgraded to "open military confrontation in the Asia -Pacific region."

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Riabkov said in a security seminar on Thursday (7th): "This will not only lead to the upgrading of the situation, but also reflect the environmental consequences of Washington's public disregard to use this ammunition in the theater.In fact, it is a criminal act. I can't have any other evaluations in addition to this. "

The Russian Embassy in Washington also criticized the decision of the United States as "an inhumane performance" and accused the United States of concern to the current situation and future of Ukraine and the European Union.The embassy said on Telegram: "Washington is obsessed with the idea of making Russia suffer 'strategic failure". They are not only ready to make the battle continue to the last Ukrainian, but also let the future generations carry the cross. "

The embassy also said: "The Russian special military operation process will not change, and the Russian army will continue to destroy the weapons provided by the Zellegiski regime."

White House: The United States providing depleted uranium bomb does not constitute radiation threats

The White House National Security Council spokesman Cerby said that the depleted uranium bombs provided by the United States to Kiev did not constitute a radiation threat.He described the depleted uranium bombs as "common ammunition" and "far from entering" nuclear weapons.

The latest assistance announced by the United States on Wednesday was part of the more than 1 billion US dollars announced by Brincken on Kiev on the same day."The United States is committed to helping Ukraine to write its own future. We are committed to helping Ukraine to build a future forces that can deter and defend future aggression."

Blintken's front line of Ukraine's front line continued

When Brintken visited Kiev, the front line of Ukraine did not stop.On Wednesday, a crowded market was shot by the Russian army in a crowded market in Kostyantynivka, Undaton, causing at least 17 people to die and 32 people injured.

Constantinova is 30 kilometers from the Eastern Frontline City Bachur.Zelezki accused Russia of deliberately attacking the "peaceful city" and vowed to defeat Russia who "evil" as soon as possible.Russia has repeatedly denied intentional attacking civilians.