(Washington Reuters) U.S. Minister of Commerce Raymond said that before the completion of the U.S. Trade Representative Office, she expects that the United States will not modify any tariffs imposed by Trump during the administration of Trump.

Raymond Multi -Mass (September 5) said in the National Broadcasting Corporation Business Channel (CNBC) program: "Before the review is completed, I think (Biden) the government will not make any changes." At presentIt is unclear when the U.S. Trade Representative Office ended the review.

The government led by Republicans Trump conducted an investigation in accordance with the "301 clauses" that China stole American intellectual property rights and forced American companies to transfer sensitive technologies to the United States. In 2018 and 2019Thousands of Chinese imported goods are levied on tariffs on imported goods of about 500 billion yuan).

Raymondo, who served as the Democratic President Biden, said: "Tariffs are not implemented by us. We believe that they have no meaning in many cases ... I think Trump's tariffs can be more strategicThis is why we conduct a four -year review. "

She said that the censorship of the US Trade Representative Office was "see if (tariff) is valid".

But Raymond added: "The approach of Chinese subsidy enterprises hurts American workers, so we need a fair competitive environment." Last week, she criticized China to implement various new restrictions on American companies operating in China in China.Essence

When China Business Minister met with Raymond in Beijing last week, it urged the United States to allow Chinese companies to invest in "equal treatment" in the United States, and said that the US's 301 tariffs on imported products in China had "discrimination".

The Trump administration uses Article 301 of the 1974 Trade Law (a regulations designed to combat the unfair behavior of trading partners) in 2018 and 2019.