(Washington Comprehensive News) The Speaker of the US House of Representatives McCarthy said that after investigating the President's Biden family in the House of Representatives, the impeachment survey of Biden will be "the next step of nature."

impeachment gives Congress the highest legal power to obtain all required information

McCarthy Sunday (August 27) was interviewed by the Fox News morning program.When the host asked him if he was going to launch an impeachment survey for Biden after the Congress resume, McCarthy responded: "If you see all the information we have collected so far, the impeachment investigation is the next step."

He added that the move will "give Congress's highest legal power to obtain all the required information."

The investigation of the Republicans of the House of Representatives on the Bayiden family mainly focused on the business behavior of his son Hunter's energy company in Ukraine when he was the vice president.Hunter's former business partner confessed at the closed -door hearing of the House of Representatives and the accountability committee of the House last month. Hunter created the illusion that he could get in touch with Biden, but as far as he knew, Biden had no improper behavior.Essence

McCarthy: "Corruption Culture" seems to exist in the entire Biden family

McCarthy said that the survey showed that Biden participated in his son's business conference, and the Bayeng family also charged money and gifts from others.He described that the "corruption culture" seemed to exist in the entire Biden family.

McCarthy warned last week that if the Biden government does not provide documents such as banks and credit card bills for investigation, the House of Representatives may conduct an impeachment investigation on Biden.At present, the US federal agencies are also investigating Hunter, but McCarthy refers to the Ministry of Justice to favors Hunter.

For the latest remarks of McCarthy, Sams, a spokesman for the supervision and investigation of the White House, questioned on social media: "What is the next step of nature '? ... ... This crazy operation is not rooted in facts and truth, Are the shame of one party. "

According to the Capitol Mountain Daily, some Republican members hope to launch an impeachment investigation into Biden as soon as possible, but some people think it is not the time.Don Bacon, a Republican member of the Nebraska, said: "We should have some conclusive evidence of some felony or light crimes, not just assuming such evidence. We need more specific evidence., Can we take this way (impeachment). "

Because the Senate was controlled by the Democratic Party, even if Bayeng was impeached in the House of Representatives, the possibility of obtaining the impeachment case was unlikely.