US Minister of Commerce Raymond VictorAugust 28) officially launched.Raymondo said that one of her main targets to visit China is "explaining and explaining the national security strategy of key technologies in the United States, and further improved transparency."

But Raymond Duo emphasized that the measures taken by the United States based on national security, "There is no room for debate or compromise, this is not the scope of discussion between the two parties."

The New York Times reported that Raymond said at the hair dryer before the start that she plans to discuss with Chinese ones include American technical control, business disputes, and more business opportunities.

Raymondo said, "It is important that the United States must maintain transparency in China and let the senior management of the People's Republic of China understand the US national security policy in order to avoid misunderstanding, avoid unnecessary situation upgrades, and avoid misjudgment."

U.S. President Biden recently signed an administrative command Investment in some sensitive technology areas.Semiconductor and microelectronics, quantum information technology, artificial intelligence (AI) are the core of the competition of science and technology competition in the United States and China.The US -China Science and Technology War will be one of the main issues of Raymond's trip.

In addition, Western companies are increasingly worried about the scope of China's expansion of anti -spy law.It is expected that Raymond will pay attention to the blacklisted list of the US stored chip leader Micron in the regulatory agency, and the concerns of other Western companies.

Although US -China relations are still in the "cold winter", Raymondo and other US officials insist that trade between the two world's largest economies still has huge potential, and the United States will promote the establishment of a business connection between the two parties in other fields.

China is still the third largest export market in the United States. China has purchased more than $ 150 billion (about S $ 203.4 billion) products from US farms and companies.

Raymondo said that the US export control only accounts for only 1%of the bilateral trade of the United States and China.The export of the United States to China has created more than 80,000 jobs for the United States, and small companies and large companies have benefited.The United States continues to import hundreds of billions of dollars from China each year.

.A four -day visit in Beijing and Shanghai.