(Tokyo Composite Electric) Rockets equipped with Japanese lunar probe cannot be launched as high -altitude strong winds.This is the third delayed launch of the Rockets, and the goal of Japan's moon landing is postponed again.

Japan H2A Rocket No. 47 was originally scheduled to be launched from the seed island space center in southern Japan on Monday (August 28), but it was forced to stop less than 30 minutes before the launch.

The person in charge of the Launching Department of Rocket Co -Rockets Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Corporation said: "Because of the high -altitude strong wind, the launch conditions are not met ... (setting conditions) to ensure that the wreckage will not cause damage if it falls outside the warning range."

The new launch date has not been determined, but it will not be 31st.Mitsubishi Heavy Industry and Japan Universe Airlines Research and Development Institutions (JAXA) revealed that the latest may be tried to launch on September 15.Last week, the rocket also delayed the launch twice due to bad weather.

H2A is Japan's flagship aerospace carrier rocket. It has successfully launched 45 times in 46 launch missions since 2001.This is also the first time that the launch of the new H3 Rocket No. 1 machine in March this year has been launched again.

The lunar probe "SLIM" equipped with the rocket aims to show high -precision landing technology and control the error range of the target location landing within 100 meters.According to the plan, SLIM will reach the moon orbit within three to four months after the launch, and challenge landing after four to six months.If the landing is successful, Japan will become the fifth country to realize the moon landing after the Soviet Union, the United States, China, and India.

In addition, the Rockets are also equipped with XRISMs jointly developed by the JAXA, the National Aerospace Agency and the European Space Agency, which can reveal the composition and evolution of celestial bodies through high -resolution X -ray spectral observations.