After the startup of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, it has continuously received harassment calls from China from all over China. Senior Japanese officials expressed "extremely regrets and concerns."

Comprehensive Kyalthe News Agency and Reuters reported that Matsno Matsno Matsuna, the Secretary -General of Japan, said at a regular press conference on a regular press conference: "Japan received a lot of harassment calls from China ...… The development of these things is regrettable, we are worried about this. "

At the same time, on the case of China's resistance to Japanese goods and the cancellation of travel groups in Japan, Matsuno "strongly urged the Chinese people to call on the Chinese people to stay calm and publish accurate information."

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not immediately respond to Matsuno's speech.

Japan started on August 24th Emiss Fukushima nuclear power station nuclear processing water into the sea .The Ministry of Environment said on the 27th that the analysis of the seawater near Fukushima's first nuclear power plant shows that the concentration of radioactive substances in all samples is lower than the lower limit that the instrument can detect, showing that there is no nuclear treatment water "no human and environment for people and the environment.Negative Effects".

In addition, marine radioactor nuclein released on the same dayThe results of the survey of content level show that the concentration of 铯 and 氚 in the Korean waters is far lower than the limit standard specified in the State Health Organization (WHO) drinking water quality standards.