After the Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Co., Ltd., the Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station has dealt with the water discharge of water, many Japanese regions such as Fukushima frequently receive a harassment call from the national name "86"; in some Japanese schools in China, people have also been thrown by people.And eggs.Japan is deeply concerned about all this response, and has summoned the Chinese ambassador to Japan to express their attention.

The Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) reported that the Japanese Cabinet Secretary -General Matsuna Matsno held a press conference on Monday (August 28) and said, "I am extremely regrettable and worried.Its citizen is calm and takes all possible measures to ensure the safety of Japanese residents. "

Matsuno Boshiya is also dissatisfied with China, which is called "nuclear pollution water" that will be discharged into the sea, and urges China to "release accurate information".

The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant began to discharge processing nuclear waste water into the sea last Thursday (24th).Although the Japanese side provides data guarantee that most of the nucleoin in nuclear treatment water has been filtered, and the remaining nuclein concentration has also been diluted to meet the safety standards, but neighboring countries and the public are not convinced.

The Midnaka Journal of Products has quoted Japanese government officials that the successive "abnormal anti -Japanese operations" worried the Japanese side.In Qingdao City, Shandong Province, there are Chinese citizens throwing stones to the playgrounds of local Japanese schools; at the Japanese school in Suzhou, Jiangsu, they were thrown multiple eggs on the 25th; a Japanese school in Shanghai also received a protest.

The report also said that tourist attractions in Northeast Japan, including restaurants and town halls in Fukushima Prefecture, connected to harassment calls suspected of China.The other end of the microphone is constantly abusing Japan's "Stupid", "World Tumor", and "Damn Japanese" and so on.

The Chinese Embassy in Japan also complained to pick up harassment calls

However, the Chinese Embassy also issued a statement on Monday that in Japan's Chinese embassies and consulates received a "large number of harassment calls from Japan", seriously interfere with the normal operation of the embassy and consulate, and proposed to Japan solemnly to Japan.Negotiated.

NHK reports that after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station nuclear treatment of water, China's "scolding against Japan" became extremely radical.If this situation is not controlled, it is likely to upgrade to a large anti -Japanese movement, which is the same as the situation caused by the China -Japan collision incident in 2010; at the same time, attract the Chinese people to play, boosting the prospects of the Japanese tourism economy will turndim.

Asahi Shimbun quoted news reports that China and Japan had been coordinating and arranged to meet at the Asian Summer Summit held in Indonesia in early September in the early September; while the Japanese Gongming Party Party Party Party, Konaku, Nazaka was scheduled to visit from August 28th to 30th from August 28th to 30th.China has been arranged to meet Chinese officials and transfer to the personal letter of Japanese Prime Minister Kishida.

Now, due to Fukushima nuclear treatment of water and sea, Najin Men's visit to China is stopped. A senior official of the Japanese Prime Minister's House said: "The prospects of the summit held in Japan and China have become severe."

Matsuno said at a press conference on Monday: "We have high hopes for the visiting parties of the Gongming Party. At present, although it has not made any decisions in the subject of the summit meeting, we must continue to maintain close communication at all levels."

In addition to China, there are also many people in South Korea who are worried about Fukushima nuclear treatment of water.To this end, the relevant South Korean departments sampled 15 detection points from the 25th to three sea areas, and the test results of five of them were released on the 27th.The limit standard for drinking water quality standards for the World Health Organization.

The South Korean government will test more water quality.The country's deputy minister of the Ministry of Marine Aquatic Products announced on the 28th that it will launch a 100 -day aquatic inspection work on the 28th to conduct centralized inspections of 20,000 importers. It is targeted at the large -selling imported scallops, red bream, sea sheath and other aquatic products.South Korea has also launched a special inspection in May this year, but this round of inspection has increased from 60 days to 100 days, and the number of times the number of enterprises has also increased to three times.