(Moscow Composite Electric) Russia's first monthly probe in the past 50 years failed to enter the scheduled track of the predetermined moon due to abnormal conditions, and eventually crashed on the moon, which caused Russia to regain the ambitious astronauts.

Roskosmos issued a statement saying that the "Moon-25" (LUNA-25) detector performed abnormalities when the track change control was performed on Saturday (August 19), and it was impossibleThe parameters are operated and lost contact with the ground at 2:57 pm (at 7:57 pm Singapore time).

Preliminary survey shows that the "Moon-25" weighing 800 kg "no longer exists after collision with the moon.The Russian Aerospace Group did not explain what technical problems with the detector had, saying that it would conduct an investigation to understand the cause of crash.

However, Borisov, the head of the Russian Aerospace Group, said that the launch plan of the "Moon-25" was "adventurous" and stated to Russian President Putin that the possibility of successful landing in the detector was only 70 %.

The "Moon-25" on August 11 took the "Alliance-2.1B" carrier rocket from the Oriental Space launcher in Amur, Russia and Far East, and successfully entered the moon track on Wednesday (16th).According to the plan, the detector was originally scheduled to land softly next Monday (21st) near the Boguslavsky meteor pit of the Moon Antarctic.If it succeeds, it will become the first detector in the history of the Moon in the history of humanity.