(Washington Complex) The United States has implemented restrictions on China.The U.S. Department of Commerce on Thursday (August 17) announced that it had levied more than 100 % of the preliminary anti -dumping tax on China's tin -plated steel products, and it would levy much lower anti -dumping tax to similar products in Canada and Germany.

Analysis that this may win the support of American steel manufacturers, but it also aroused concerns about the price of canned daily necessities such as canned food.

Anti -dumping investigations for eight countries and regions announced the preliminary results of the United States

At the request of the domestic steel manufacturer in February this year, the US Department of Commerce launched an anti -dumping survey in eight countries and regions, and announced the preliminary results on Thursday.

The U.S. Department of Commerce has initially levied 122.5 %, 5.29 %, and 7.02 % of anti -dumping taxes on China, Canada and Germany, respectively.

As for products imported from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, South Korea, Taiwan, and Turkey, the United States has not found any dumping behavior, so it has not levied anti -dumping tax.

Data from the Ministry of Commerce show that China's tin -plated steel accounts for about 14 % of the total US imports, Canada and Germany account for about 30 %.Half.

The US Department of Commerce pointed out that the price of tin -plated steel products exported in China is less than half of the domestic price in the United States.In addition, Chinese companies did not cooperate with the investigation and could not prove that they were independent of the Communist Party.

The United States found that Canada and Germany sold tin -plated steel in the United States at the price below the country, but the price difference compared with China is very large.

According to the above announcement, the Chinese Embassy in Washington did not ask the media for a comment.

Whether it will be a permanent taxation is yet to be investigated

The United States announced on Thursday that it was only a preliminary anti -dumping tax. As for whether this would become a permanent taxation, it depends on the results of the investigation of the US International Trade Commission.If the committee determines that the pricing of tin -plated steel products investigated by the country will harm the interests of US companies, the official will levy anti -dumping duties for a long time, and otherwise it will be refunded.

Bloomberg reports that the final taxation decision of the United States to Chinese companies will be announced at the end of December, and the decision to other countries will be announced in early 2024.

If new tariffs implement canned food prices or rise up to 30 %

On behalf of a well -known canned food producer Campbell Soup (Campbell Soup), the Consumer Brands Association estimates that if the Bayeng government implemented a new tariff, the price of domestic canned foods may increase up to 30 % up to 30 %.Essence

Before the US Department of Commerce made a decision, the American Canned Manufacturers Association has already pointed out that because the tin -plated steel currently produced by the US steel manufacturer is not needed half of the domestic canned food manufacturing, any new import tariff, soBoth will lead to rising material costs and food prices.

In June of this year, the Cannesters Manufacturers Association once believed that the US Parliament MPs said that high -amount anti -dumping duties will increase the cost of canned food and gas fog products, and may increase canned food imported from China. As a result, Chinese cansFood producers profit.