(Omaha Composite Electric) Corton, Commander of the United States Strategic Command, said that China is establishing a trinulet nuclear force composed of sea, land and air, and no signs show that China is slowing down.

Colly on Wednesday (August 16), during the 2023 U.S. Strategic Command Symposium held in Omaha, Braska, it was interviewed by the media that China was fully building nuclear forces."We did not see any signs that they were slowing down."

Caton has reminded Congress as early as February this year that although the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles in Chinese active current continental, China's land -based fixed and mobile intercontinental ballistic missile launchers have surpassed the United States.

One month later, Caton pointed out at the parliamentary hearing that in the past three years, China has built hundreds of new intercontinental ballistic missile launch wells, which is inconsistent with Beijing's long -term claim that it has maintained a "minimum" deterrent posture.EssenceCaton said at the time that there were more than 300 launch wells in three new missile fields in China. Each launch well could be equipped with CSS-10 MOD 2 intercontinental ballistic missiles, and its range could cover the United States.

If China -Russia and the United States will be in an unfavorable position

As of January this year, China is estimated to have 410 nuclear warheads.It is expected that by 2030, China will have more than 1,000 nuclear warheads.If China and another nuclear country Russia join forces, the United States will be in an unfavorable position.

The United States currently deploys 400 MINUTEMAN III in Waioming, Montana, and North Dakota's Air Force Base, each with nuclear warheads.

The Air Force is also developing a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile to replace all missiles and ground launch control facilities in the future.It is known that the plan will reach the basic combat capability in 2029. By then, nine intercontinental ballistic missiles are on standby. When the deployment was completed in 2036, a total of 400 missiles were in a state of standby.

Caton said that the U.S. military is still in the early stages of modernization.Although he hopes that the U.S. military is close to completing the modernization process, he is still satisfied with the current pace.