US President Biden said it is expected to meet with Chinese officials this fall.

Agence France -Presse reported that after meeting with Japanese and Korean leaders on Friday (August 18), he answered the reporter's question: "I look forward to and hope to follow up our dialogue in Bali this fall,This is my expectation. "

During the period , no more call.At that time, the heads of state of the two countries reached a consensus of stable bilateral relations and avoiding slide conflict.

Biden will invite Chinese officials to visit San Francisco November, and the United States will hold the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum Summit Summit.

G20 will be held in India next month. Whether the remarks of Biden will affect his possibility of meeting with Chinese officials during the summit, which is noticeable.

Bayeng said at the political fundraising activity of Utah last week that China is facing economic and population issues. He is worried that this world's second largest economic capacity will become a "timing bomb" that may threaten other regions of the world.The White House tried to dilute Biden's remarks that China was a "timing bomb", saying that Biden's speech was consistent with the past criticism of Washington's past and was not harder.

In another fundraising event in June this year, It is called Chinese official."Dictator" , Beijing immediately It is a provocation statement..

Bynden at August 9th, restricted the United StatesThe company and individuals invest in China in the field of sensitive technology, including semiconductors, quantum operations and artificial intelligence (AI).Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce , the China side emphasized that the guarantee for the protection of the guarantee should be adopted corresponding counter-counter-counter-corresponding antiThe right to control measures.