North Korean leader Kim Jong -un inspected the North Korean Navy forces and observed the training of strategic cruise missiles.

On Monday (August 21), the North Korean Society issued a press release saying that Kim Jong -un inspected the Second Water Ship Team of the North Korean People's Army Navy's East China Fleet, and learned about the fighting mobilization preparations and preparations for the warships of the water ship team., Soldiers' Forces Life and Military Port Converting Plan.He also boarded the alert to the maritime alert duty to know the state of warship weapons and equipment and fighting preparation.

It is reported that Kim Jong -un also observed the launch training of the athletes and water soldiers on the same day.

Kim Jong -un emphasized that the Navy of the Korean People's Army has a major mission and task to defend national sovereignty and security. All the navy's underwater warship forces must resoluteSystem development and other naval weapons are modernized to improve the modernity and combat capabilities of the navy.

The report from the DPRK Society did not explain when the inspection of Kim Jong -un conducted.However, on the occasion of the above press releases, the "ULCHI Freedom Shield (UFS) military exercise jointly launched by South Korea and the United States will kick off on Monday. The purpose of the exercise is to deal with North Korea with nuclear weapons.The increasing threat.

The Yonhap News Agency reported on Sunday (20th) that hackers suspected to be from the North Korean organization have aimed at the South Korean "Shids of B Branks" and launched an email attack on South Korea contractors working at the War Simulation Center.

In addition, the heads of the United States, Japan and South Korea, the head of the United States, Japan and South Korea last week at .The Yonhap News Agency quoted the Korean Presidential Office spokesman Li Dunyun on Sunday that from the perspective of security, the Korean side believed that the Three Kingdoms Summit had improved its response to the threat of North Korea's nuclear guidance, and the national security line was becoming more firm.