(Kiev / Moscow Composite Electric) Ukraine Minister of Defense Leznikov said that the Ukraine has begun to receive training for F-16 fighters, and it is expected that it will take at least six months or longer.In other words, Ukraine will not be able to get the F-16 fighter at least half a year.

Leznikov said in a TV interview on Saturday (August 19) that six months are the minimum training period required by F-16 fighter pilots.Training.

Leznikov refused to disclose the training location and timetable, only to say that because the basic English level is not enough, the training content also includes technical language training.

U.S. officials said on Thursday (17th) that the United States had agreed that once the Ukraine pilots completed their training, Denmark and the Netherlands could immediately transfer the F-16 fighter made to Ukraine.

Sweden or provides fighters for Ukraine

In addition, Ukraine President Zelezzki met with Swedish Prime Minister Christone on Saturday that the two countries had initially discussed the possibility of Sweden provided the GRIPEN fighter in Sweden.

The Swedish government agreed to the Ukraine pilots in June to participate in the test flight, but it also showed that Sweden needed all fighter aircraft to defend the land.Kristin did not mention the hawk lion fighter at a joint press conference with Zellezki, but condemned the Russian Saturday's missile attack on the city of Cherina, northern Ukraine, saying that it highlighted Sweden to support Ukraine to support Ukraine.sex.

Zelei Skytihow arrived in the Netherlands on Sunday after ending his visit to the Netherlands, and held talks with the Dutch Prime Minister Lutter. It is expected that the F-16 fighter will be a key issue.

Cherinavov Air strikes cause civilian casualties

Governor of Chelnigov Jos Sunday (20th) said that the missile attack on Saturday morning caused seven deaths, 148 injuries, and more than 500 houses were destroyed.

Zelei said that the deceased included a six -year -old girl with 15 children of the wounded.He vowed: "Our soldiers will respond to this terrorist attack in Russia."

The missile hit the center of Chelnigov. As the Orthodox Journal of the Orthodox Journey showed the Holy Rong Festival on Saturday, some people were participating in the church at the time of the incident.UN Ukrainian humancist coordinator Brown said it was an indexed attack.She said: "I condemn Russia to repeatedly attack the behavior of Ukraine's densely populated areas ... The international humanitarian law strictly prohibits attacks against civilians or civilian objects."

The City of Chel Nigov is located 150 kilometers north of Kiev, and is an ancient city with a history of thousands of years.The Ministry of Culture in Ukraine said it was one of the Candidate cities of the UNESCO World Heritage List.

According to Russian officials, Kurusk and Rostov, Russia, which borders Ukraine, were attacked by drones on Sundays on Sunday.A railway station was hit after a railway station, and five were injured.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said that Ukraine also tried to launch drone attacks on Moscow on Sunday, but was frustrated by the Russian army.After the drone was disturbed by the electronic warfare system, it crashed in an uninhabited area, which did not cause casualties or damage.