(David Camp Comprehensive) U.S. President Biden said he is expected to meet with Chinese officials this year.

Bynden on Friday (August 18) answered the reporter's question after meeting with Japanese and Korean leaders at the David camp, "I also hope that this fall will continue our conversation in Bali Island this fall. This is my expectation."

Biden will invite Chinese officials to visit San Francisco in November.The United States will host the Asia -Pacific Economic Organization (APEC) summit, and China is a member of this organization.

Sino -US leaders may also meet at the G20 summit of the G20 (G20) Summit in New Delhi, India next month.

Biden and Chinese official last met when I went to the G20 Summit in November last year to attend the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia.They reached consensus on stable bilateral relations and avoiding slide conflict.But after that, Beijing was repeatedly furious by the US words and deeds.

Bynden blatantly called Chinese officials in June this year.Just last week, he criticized China's economic problem as a "timing bomb".In addition, the White House has continued to increase its economic sanctions on China, constantly restricts the export of advanced chips to China, and recently restricted US capital into a sensitive technology field in China.