(David Camp Composite Television) The United States, South Korea and Japan Leaders Summit were held on Friday (August 18) in David Camp.The White House announced a few hours before the Three Party Summit that the three countries would deepen military and economic relations, unite, and respond to China's rise and North Korea's nuclear threat.

The national security adviser of the US President Biden said to the reporter to reporters: "Leaders will promise to formulate many years for military exercises in all fields." They also promised to negotiate with each other in the crisis.

Shalvin also said that the United States, Japan and South Korea have benefited countries in China and other regions, but he said that this cooperation is not the Pacific North Atlantic Convention Organization (NATO).

The summit held at the CAMP David in Maryland is the first summit of the Three Kingdoms. As the Asia -Pacific situation is tight, this summit is remarkable, especially the unity between the United States, Japan and South Korea, how to cope with Chinese challenges, how to how, howThe topics such as curbing North Korea's threats and how to protect key commodities such as semiconductor supply chain are all top priorities.Analysts pointed out that the following are worthy of attention.

Bynden hopes to borrow the summit to consolidate Japan and South Korea relations

First of all, the United States will strive to move closer to each other in Asia, Japan and South Korea.Bloomberg pointed out that during the end of the Japanese rule of the Korean Peninsula before World War II, Japan's way of treating Koreans made the relationship between Seoul and Tokyo for a long time, which hindered the efforts of the United States to promote regional cooperation.Therefore, Biden hopes to use this summit to consolidate Japan and South Korea.

Wadenin, who had worked at the former Bush administration's National Security Council, wrote on the social media platform: "The David Camp Conference is exciting. We are rare to let South Korea and Japanese leaders meet us in the same room."

After the

Three Kingdoms leaders meet, bilateral meetings will also be held.It is expected that the Kishida meeting will introduce the Fukushima nuclear treatment water programs in Japan during the bilateral meeting to seek "understanding".

Johnston, former Director of East Asian Affairs of the National Security Council, said: "Yin Xiyue will definitely face pressure because of this problem, especially if data shows that these water is more dangerous than we think."

To alleviate Yin Xiyue's face -to -face pressure, the release of Fukushima's treatment of the Fukushima water treatment

Four Korean and Japanese officials told Reuters that in order to alleviate Yin Xiyue's pressure in China, Japan delayed the release of Fukushima's plan to deal with water.

How to deal with the "Chinese threat" is also expected to be one of the focus of the talks between the three countries.

Alliance with Japan and South Korea is an important strategy for the Bynden government to deal with China's military and economic threats. In particular, China is also seeking a closer relationship with Russia and North Korea to curb the influence of the United States in Asia.

Campbell, an Indo -Pacific Affairs Coordinator of the National Security Council, told media reporters before the summit that it is expected that the summit will reach an agreement to improve the communication between the three parties and economic issues, including the establishment of a three -party hotline and a joint military exercise every year.

However, Harris, deputy director of the Indo -Pacific Project of the Marshall Foundation in Germany, said: "The Indo -Pacific Strategy of South Korea clearly listed China as a partner, unlike Japan as a historic strategic challenge." He believes, he believes thatThis may affect the joint statement of the summit to mention the words of words when China.

Containing North Korea's nuclear threats to the United States, Japan and South Korea consistency

Another key topic of the summit is how to curb North Korea.In this regard, the pace of Biden, Kishida Wenxiong and Yin Xiyue is consistent.

Yin Xiyue's position is stronger than the former Wen Zaiyin.It is expected that the three will announce more measures to fight against North Korea's nuclear weapons.As for the deterrent measures for Pyongyang and Beijing, it is expected to include network security steps designed to combat fake information.

Leaders of the Three Kingdoms may also discuss how to reduce dependence on China in terms of supply chain.

Yin Xiyue said in an interview with Bloomberg before going to the United States that he expects that the summit will agree to use new methods to protect the supply chain of key products such as semiconductors, electric vehicle batteries, and multiple technologies, including establishing a "shortage early warning system".

Japan has restricted key materials to China with other partners in the United States, which makes it difficult for South Korea to seek way out for the country's economy.