(Moscow Comprehensive) Russian President Putin said that Russia is gradually expanding the Navy and this year the Navy will add 30 warships.

Russia Sunday (July 30) held an annual naval award -like style in St. Petersburg to show the strength of the navy.

The activity consists of two parts: sea and land.45 warships, submarines and other ships participated in the maritime military parade on the Gulf of Finland and the River NEVA.About 3,000 navy personnel participated in the military parade on land.

Putin, accompanied by the Minister of Defense Shogu and the Navy Commander Yef Menov, reviewed some ships on a ship on the Nava River and delivered a speech.

Putin said: "Today, Russia is performing the large -scale tasks of national marine policy in Russia and continuously enhanced the strength of the navy. In this year alone, the Russian fleet added 30 new ships of different levels."

Putin did not mention Ukraine directly in his speech.

At the invitation of Putin, the African leaders and representatives who had previously attended the Russian -African Summit also attended the parade.

Putin: Russia is ready to deal with any situation at any time

A previous day, Putin said at a press conference held in St. Petersburg on Saturday (29th) that although Russia did not want to directly conflict with NATO, it was ready to deal with any situation at any time.

Putin spoke at a close range of the Russian fighter aircraft in Syria's closer to Russia's fighter planes in Syria, led by the United States.Putin said: "We are ready to deal with any situation at any time, but no one wants to do this. Under the U.S. initiative, we have established a special mechanism to prevent these conflicts.Consultation. "

Putin added, this shows that "no one wants to explode conflict."He also said, "If anyone wants to have a conflict, it will not be us, but we are ready."

Gurinov, deputy director of the mediation center of the Russian conflict in Syria, said that since the beginning of this year, the United States -led coalition aircraft have been close to Russian fighter at 23 times in Syria.340 incidents that violate flight safety in Syria.

The U.S. military pointed out that Russian fighter jets attacked a U.S. MQ-9 drone over Syria last week, causing drones to be "seriously" damaged.The US Secretary of Defense Austin called on Russia to abide by the law of the sky on Saturday and stop "irresponsible behavior."

Vice Chairman of the Russian Security Commission and former President Medvedev warned on social media on Sunday (30th) that if Kiev's counterattack is successful, Moscow will have to use nuclear weapons.

Putin said on Saturday that there have been no major changes in the battlefield in recent days, and Ukraine has lost a lot of military equipment since June 4.Cicada said that the Ukrainian counterattack has made some progress, although the speed is slower than expectations.