There is a saying that the folk of Kazakhstan: To balance the Russian bear and the Chinese dragon, it must be as dexterous as the Corsac Fox.

The gray -yellow Cosque fox is covered with Central Asia and North Asian countries such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.Its sensitivity, cold and thirst, can live in grasslands and semi -deserts.It is said that the living environment of this medium -sized fox exactly reflects the subtle situation between the five Central Asian countries in the two major power of China and Russia.

For Central Asia, which runs through Asia, most people know very much. They only know that there are inconvenient traffic here and sparsely local people. It used to be part of the Soviet Union."" ".The mainstream Western media also rarely pays attention to this "Russian backyard" with rich resources. The US government has regarded it as a strategic buffering ground for many years, and China has used Central Asia as an important diplomatic space expanding westward for a long time.

In the place where the ancient soldiers must fight, the five Central Asian countries have pursued balanced diversified diplomacy. In the past ten years, the development of economy and infrastructure has been accelerated in the past ten years, and regional economic integration has been promoted.Today, the level of development of the five countries is uneven. If anyone thinks that Central Asia is a backward country, the skyline and high -rise buildings of the "boss" Kazakhstan capital Astana will make him look great.

Abu Dhabi Plaza, which has not yet been completed in the center of Astana, has 88 floors of the highest main building. After completion, it will be the tallest building in Central Asia.At present, low -rise shopping malls, restaurants, etc. are already operating.(Photo by Han Yonghong)

The area of Kazakhstan is equivalent to Western Europe. The total economic volume exceeds the total of other Central Asian countries, and it is the highest overtake diplomatic balance.It has a boundary line of 7,600 kilometers long and bordered by Xinjiang, China. It has been steadily dealing between Russia, China, and the United States for many years.

Kazakhstan has always maintained Russian's official position in China. In recent years, it has also publicly launched certain military cooperation with NATO countries such as the United States, Britain, and Germany in recent years.China's official place in 2013 proposed the location of the "Belt and Road" initiative, the Nazarbayev University of Kazakhstan; the first time in the Chinese official epidemic in 2022, the destination was also Kazakhstan.During the Soviet period, Harbin was the president Tocyev's long -term diplomat in China and spoke fluent Chinese.

However, the changes in China and the United States and the international geographical situation, and the increase in domestic people's demands for political reform, has made the leadership of Kazakhstan be careful to control the new situation.In fact, the "crust is changing" throughout Central Asia, and the Russian and Ukraine War was the main new cause.

The Russian and Ukraine War shocked

"I'm shocked, unbelievable."

Talking about February 24, 2022, several Kazakhstan residents have described the psychological impact of the Russian army invading Ukraine.Malika, a 39 -year -old Alamu woman, also described her feelings with "despair".

Marca and their friends believe that the excuses for Russia to send troops in Ukraine can also be applied to Kazakhstan.While Marca's friends translated, "there are also Russian separatists in northern Kazakhstan. They want to focus on joining Russia, which is the same as Wudong."

In East Asia, people have heard the warning of "Ukraine Today, Tomorrow Taiwan" in the West or Taiwan.This sentence arrived in Central Asia, "Ukraine today, Kazakhstan Tomorrow", and warned directly from Russian official media, and even appeared shortly in the social media of former President Medvedev.for".

One year after the outbreak of the war, the shock of Kazakhstan society's shock to the Russian and Ukraine War was much more calm, but if they talked about the Russian and Ukraine war with diplomatic elites, scholars and young people, their disobedience was clear and sensible.Foreign elites are more cautious. In public, they usually only make such as "we have been overthrown in February last year in February last year" to avoid directly criticizing Russia.

The general public is more straightforward.The Russian and Ukraine War further strengthened their country's identity and prompted them to think about the relationship with Russia.Marca told reporters that she had a Russian friend who moved to Moscow before the war, and she persuaded them to return to China to be rejected quickly.She said angrily: "They grew up and educated in Kazakhstan, and even said that they could not abandon Russia at this time!"

Kazakhstan is a diverse ethnic country, with the Kazakhs as its main body, accounting for nearly 70%of the population, and about 20%of the Russians.At the same time, some older generations of Kazakhs are still nostalgic for the Soviet era and contrast with young people.

Yerkin Tukumov, director of the Kazakhstan Institute of Strategic Research Institute, answered questions from reporters in the middle of this month: "One of the important key is that the average age of Kazakh people is 31.7 years old,It means that most people are born after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. They only have little or nostalgia in the Soviet era, and they have different discussions on history and the future. "

On the streets of Astana, two young people clearly told reporters: "We have no nostalgia for the Soviet era, but our parents have it."

Diana, a college student who took foreign names, said, "My parents always tell me how good the Soviet era, work is allocated, no need to find it by ourselves; now we have to find a job by ourselves.Now that there are more opportunities for more competition, it is reasonable. However, parents sometimes say that they have missed their mouths, and when they mention the previous bitter days ... oops, they are contradictory. "

Scholar analysis, the older generation of Kazakhs has experienced very hard days in the early days of the country's independence, so they will miss the beauty of the Soviet era.EssenceA 38 -year -old respondent said: "I don't want to eat it when I was a kid, not even wearing it."

After independence in 1991, Kazakhstan implemented economic reforms, and sent a large number of elites to study in the West, and then achieved development between generations with excellent natural resource conditions.Today's Astana is very modern, and the elites are proficient in haha, Russian, and more Western languages; strategic scholars are mostly highly educated in Europe and the United States and have a wide field of vision.Restaurant and Korean popular cultural symbols can be seen on the streets. Young people also go on Taobao and buy online shopping to enjoy the convenience brought about by internationalization.

These situations may just show that Kazakhstan is deeply influenced by American culture in Russia's right -wing eyes, "like Ukraine."

Nazarbayev, named after the first president of Kazakhstan, is the number one university in the local area. It adopts Western teaching system and English as the medium.The University of Public Policy in the university is a strategic partnership between the School of Public Policy and Singapore's Li Guangyao Public Police, and the dean is Singapore scholar Xu Rongda.The picture shows the inside of the main teaching building of the University of Nazarbayev.(Photo by Han Yonghong)

The subtle relationship between Kazakh and Russia

At the St. Petersburg Forum in June 2022, Kazakhstan President Tocaev's discourse was shocked.

Faced with Russian President Putin, Tocyev showed that Kazakhstan would not recognize the Lugusk and Donedsk in the pro -Russian region in eastern Ukraine, saying that they were just "semi -independent countries."This statement made Takayev, who had just rely on the Russian troops against the domestic riots not long ago, rose sharply.

At the beginning of the New Year in 2022, Kazakhstan broke out the worst riots since independence. The demonstrations of the demonstrations rushed into the main government building of Almaty and burned police cars.Takayev had to declare an emergency state and ask for help from the Ji'an organization affiliated to Kazakhstan, and eventually chaotic with the assistance of the Russian army.According to the official figures, the riots killed 160 people and 5,000 people were arrested.

The riots fuses are the new regulations issued by the government to double the price of fuel prices overnight, but also caused political demands.The demonstrator demanded that the first President Nazarbayev, who had stepped down in 2019 but still hidden behind the scenes, "completely left".The root cause of this riots is still a mystery. China and Russia indirectly or directly point out that this is a "color revolution" involved in foreign forces. Some comments believe that there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor in Kazakhstan.It is the reason.

The result of

Riotism is that Kazakhstan has realized the real power transfer since independence, and the family forces of Nazarbayev have been cleared out of politics.Totaev, who has mastered the power, has accelerated the reform of the political system, including extending the president's term to seven years, but limited to one, reducing the threshold of the party's establishment, allowing independent people to run for the parliamentary seats, and so on.

These political reforms make Kazakhstan's political face closer to the West, but most people and scholars admit that these reforms are only theoretically theoretically. The people do not feel deeply.Investigating and preventing corruption.

The reform and social tendency of Kazakhstan are closely observed by the United States and Russia.The Russian army quickly assisted Kazakhstan's chaos, and China also expressed concern about the riots publicly, highlighting that China and Russia could not tolerate the emergence of a pro -American government in Kazakhstan, which would change the original strategic balance.Kazakhstan borders and Xinjiang, China. There are 10,000 kilometers of Central Asian natural gas pipelines between China and Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is a key area for implementing the "Silk Road Economic Belt". This is the meaning of Kazakhstan's stability to China.

Kazakhstan also carefully avoid being accused of "going to Russia". It is said that some Central Asian national parliament no longer use Russian as a legal language, but the Kazakhstan Parliament still retains two official languages of Harbin Russia.It is said that some Central Asian National Congress has not regarded Russian as a legal language.The director of the Kazakhstan Institute of Strategic Research, Yelkin Gaungmov, said inquiring this newspaper that Harbin -Russian relations are generally positive, and pointed by Harbin -Russian relations is only a "living room critic".

Increase cooperation with the United States and Europe, but it is inseparable from Russia

Economically, Kazakhstan has been damaged by Western sanctions on Russia.Russia is its largest trading partner, and the depreciation of the ruble has also dragged down the currency value of Kazakhstan's currency.However, due to the uncertainty of Russia's prospects, many international companies in Russia moved to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Zhang Ning, director of the Central Asian Research Office of the Eastern European and Central Asian Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, analyzed in an analysis that the Russian and Ukraine War increased the uncertainty of Central Asia. In additionreadjust.But as Russia's influence on Central Asia declines and has no time to take care of Central Asia, Central Asia also has more opportunities to cooperate with the United States and Europe.There are also other Kazakhstan scholars who told reporters privately that in the five Central Asian countries, Uzbekistan put a lot of competitive pressure on Kazakhstan in development.

The US and European countries are increasing their attention to Central Asia.In March of this year, U.S. Secretary of State Brillings visited Central Asia for the first time during his tenure and attended the "C5+1" model ministerial meeting between Central Asian countries and the United States in Astana.Two months later, the first China-Central Asian Summit was held in Xi'an, China, and the official meeting of China.

International heroes began to look here, and they are also worried that Central Asia will be put in China.In this regard, Zhang Ning analyzed: "Kazakhstan cannot be separated from Russia. They are very clear about this. Now that the number of cooperation with the West does not mean that it is impossible to leave Russia.Nothing. "

He pointed out that Kazakhstan's economy is greatly affected by international oil and gas prices. Now he hopes to develop and manufacture and reduce dependence on the resources economy.

The shopping mall in the city center of Astana shows conspicuous advertisements for Chinese technology products.(Photo by Han Yonghong)

Aramutu Economic Zone City Singapore Shengyu Group Cooperation Plan

50 kilometers away from Alamu, the largest city of Kazakhstan, there is a project participating in the planning of Shengyu Holdings Group in Singapore. The goal is to build a special economic zone G4 city that can accommodate 2.2 million people and absorb 1.1 million people in 2050. It is expectedAttract investment of 3.7 trillion yuan (about S $ 11 billion).

G4 City sponsor You Ruichai changed from boxing coach to a meritorious businessman

Behind the development of

G4 cities, there is a legendary story and character, Yuriy Tskhay Chairman of the Caspi Group.In an interview with Lianhe Morning Post, You Ruichai said passionately: "I ran for 15 years for this project, went to Europe, the Middle East, and China to find partners everywhere, and finally went to Singapore via Hong Kong to meet Shengyu."

You Ruichai still remembers that the relevant person in charge of Shengyu Group is the first foreign businessman who went to Aramutu to inspect on the spot. It was a matter of 2019.During the epidemic, he flew to Singapore to talk with Shengyu on the special facilities set by Singapore Expo Center.

75-year-old Korean entrepreneur, Yuriy Tskhay, still maintains vitality. Now he can still pull 15 times and learn English.(Photo by Han Yonghong)

You Ruichai, 75, is a hearty old man. He is a Korean. When he was young, he was a boxing coach. He trained the Soviet national team players to successfully enter the Olympic Games and win the silver medal. After 1989, he was invited to serve as the Korean national team after August 27, 1992, he returned to the independent motherland Kazakhstan and started business the next day.

You Ruichai acquired a small bank at the time to develop it as one of the best fintech banks in Kazakhstan, and then got a huge profit in 2006.He later purchased and hoarded land, and dreamed of developing satellite cities to alleviate the crowded population of Almaty.

You Ruichai said in English: "I want to build new, intelligent, and international cities", with G4 cities as a gift, and rewarded the Kazakh nations and the Kazakh people a place to grow in Korean descendants.

Chen Cuijing, the CEO of Shengyu Development Management, is a planner of the G4 city. In an interview with Lianhe Zaobao, she said that urban planning must be long -term. The first consideration is the economy, the second is the population, and then the infrastructure. G4 plot has a good geographical location. It is on the verge of large cities, high -speed and railway infrastructure, and is also close to China.After the participation of Shengyu, the planned area reached 11,800 hectares, which has far exceeded the land owned by Yurui Chai, which is 1.5 times that of Singapore's land.

Under the promotion of You Ruichai, Chen Cuijing presented the planning concept to Kazakhstan Parliament, government officials and prime ministers in 2020, and was also met with President Tocaev.In the end, this planning concept was approved by Congress, but the general planning drawings have not been approved.

Chen Cuijing has a very rich experience in urban planning in economics transformation.She is one of the "Su Generals" cooperated with China and China. She has participated in many iconic bilateral cooperation projects in Suzhou and Chengdu. She has also served as chairman of China New Guangzhou Knowledge City.

In addition to being responsible for the planning of G4 cities, Shengyu is also responsible for development management, and it is recommended that the government's establishment of the management committee is responsible for the development of the new city.The development period of the entire project is very long, but now if there are proper partners, investors can already start building small industrial parks under the framework of the entire plan.

For You Ruichai, this is a process of dream realization.In order to cooperate with Singapore, he started to learn English three and a half years ago, and now he can communicate with reporters with less fluent English.

He told reporters: "When you come to interview me next time, I will answer your questions with fluent English."

The Almutu G4 planned by Shengyu Group, Singapore, residential projects in some areas have been completed.During the interview, a surrounding residents went to see the house.(Photo by Han Yonghong)
Alamu is a city that is environmentally friendly by green trees and hills. There are many world-class tourist attractions in the surroundings, such as this beautiful Lake Issyk.Great Mountain Lake.(Photo by Han Yonghong)
Aramutu with a population of 2 million is the second largest city of Kazakhstan and the original capital.The degree of greening here is very high, even if the city center is lush, and there are fewer high -rise buildings, which are very different from the current capital of Asana.