The New York Times reported that Washington believes that China has implanted virus software in key power and communication networks in the U.S. military. Once the conflict between the two parties has inferred heating up, this "timing bomb" may disrupt the normal operation of the US military.

The New York Times Saturday (July 29) quoted a number of informed officials from the United States from the military, intelligence and security officials that if Beijing decided to take action at some time in the future, these virus software may increase the Chinese peopleThe PLA's ability to destroy the US military operations.

According to the Times, these invaded systems will enable the Chinese army to cut off the water supply, power supply, communication and supply operations of the US military base.Because U.S. military bases usually share the same supply infrastructure as civilian housing and enterprises, the water supply, power supply and communications of many households and enterprises will also be affected.

The FBI (FBI) said that the size of China's hacking projects has exceeded the sum of all other national governments.

This report was released after Microsoft warned that Chinese hackers had penetrated the US key infrastructure network.

On July 11, Microsoft revealed in a blog post that Chinese hackers invaded email accounts of more than 20 organizations including some US government agencies.Hacker involved invaded an email account of about 25 institutions in mid -May.Microsoft calls these hackers "Storm-0558" and refers to this security vulnerability after the investigation was launched in mid-June.

A few days later, the US State Department and the Ministry of Commerce confirmed that they were victims.The Washington Post quoted an informed official that the e -mail of the US Minister of Commerce Raymond Doro was also invaded.