(Brisbane Comprehensive Electric) Australia will begin creating missiles in China within two years, supply and guided weapons to the United States, and even export to other countries.This plan will be supported by the United States.

Austin, a US defense chief visited in Bridbane, Australia, announced on Saturday (July 29) that the United States will assist in the manufacturing and guided multi -tube rocket system (GMLRS) by 2025.

The US -Australian Defense Minister and Foreign Minister held a Australian Ministerial Affairs Consultation Meeting in Brisbane on Saturday to focus on the progress of the nuclear power submarine agreement, regional security and clean energy.This is the first time in Australia to hold a high -level Australian meeting after 2019. The meeting was forced to suspend the crown disease in the past three years.

Austin's joint press conference held after the meeting said: "We are cooperating with Australia's defense industry to promote a number of mutually beneficial initiatives, including helping Australia to achieve the goal of production and guiding multi -tube rocket systems in 2025." The United States will simplify procurement procedures so that Australia can get the preferred ammunition faster.

Australian Defense Minister Marce Mars said with Austin on Friday (28th) that in addition to creating employment opportunities in Australia, it will also reduce Australia's dependence on imported missiles and provide the United States with reliable source of additional ammunition.

In addition to the cooperation of missile production, the two countries also agreed to expand the US military footprint in Australia.

Austin said that the agreement will bring some changes, including American submarines to visit Australia more frequently and stay longer; the US Army ships will regulate regularly.

A sense of behavior of China and Australia must jointly maintain India's freedom and security together

U.S. Secretary of State Brills said that another key issue discussed in the meeting was to jointly maintain the freedom and security of the Pacific region of India.

Brinken said that in order to achieve this goal, the United States and Australia will maintain communication with China. At the same time, it will also "fight against China to disturb the South China Sea and the East China Sea and the freedom of navigation, and change to maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.And the behavior of pressureing other countries through economic stress. "

The United States regards Australia as an indispensable partner to fight against China.Mars says that US Australia relations "have never been as good as they are now."Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian described that the United States is Australia's "closer strategic partner".

The two countries have also planned to further cooperate in the space field and include more in military planning into Japan.

The Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS) Australian chairman Edel said: "A series of challenges brought by China have promoted the strategic consensus between Canberra and Washington."

He believes that US -Australian relations have "rapidly developing one of the most important strategic partnerships in the United States."

In recent years, Australia and the United States have continued to strengthen security relations to contrary to China's increasing influence in region.In September 2021, the United States, Australia and Britain established the AUKUS Security Alliance, and the United States and Britain stated that it would assist Australia to establish a nuclear submarine force.China has condemned the establishment of AUKUS as an illegal nuclear diffusion behavior.