Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshinea arrived in Seoul, South Korea on Sunday (May 7) to meet with South Korean President Yin Xiyue, to further deepen Japan and South Korea's cooperative relations in the context of threatening to threaten North Korea and China's strong attitude.

Reuters reported that this bilateral meeting was the first visit to South Korea in the past 12 years, and it was also the following Yin Xiyue's return visits after visiting Japan in March .Before departure, Kishida told reporters that he hoped to have a "public discussion based on trust -based relationships" with Yin Xiyue, but did not explain the problem in detail.

On the other hand, Yin Xiyue faces criticism in China for actively improving Japan and South Korea.Attackers believe that Yin Xiyue has made more efforts in improving bilateral relations than actually obtained, including proposal that Korean companies are in Japan's Second World War to force laborers compensation .

South Korean officials hope Kishida can make some posture to return to South Korea's dedication and provide some political support.

Li Xinhua, a professor of international relations in Korean universities, said that in the face of North Korea's nuclear threat, this summit meeting or focused on discussing security cooperation issues.She added: "In summarizing the" Washington Declaration "framework that strengthens the extension deterrence plan, South Korea will discuss how to strengthen cooperation with Japan."

A Japanese official officials said: "In dealing with North Korea's threats and ensuring the free opening of the Indo -Pacific region, we (Japan and South Korea) have many opportunities for cooperation."

However, the historical differences between the two countries cannot be ignored. Analysis believes that this difference may be buried for the cooperative relationship between the two heads of the two countries.

Li Xinhua said that most Koreans believe that Japan did not apologize for the atrocities committed by South Korea from 1910 to 1945, "they believed that Kishida should show sincerity during his visit to South Korea, such as mentioning historical issuesAnd express apology. "

South Korean President's Office said on Friday (5th) that the two -day Korean -Japanese summit talks will discuss issues such as security cooperation and intelligence sharing of North Korean nuclear threats, social and cultural exchanges in economic industries such as semiconductors, and social and cultural exchanges.

Kishida will launch a two -day state visit in South Korea.