(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. National Intelligence Director Hanes said that if mainland China attacked Taiwan, it caused TSMC, the world's largest advanced semiconductor chip manufacturer to stop production, and the global economy will be severely impacted.$ Trillion (about 1330 billion yuan).

Haynes on Thursday (May 4th) to confessed to the US Senate Military Commission that 90 % of the global electronic equipment in the world uses advanced semiconductor chips produced by TSMC.In the first few years, economic losses around the world will reach 600 billion to 1 trillion US dollars.

She added that once the Taiwan Strait War ignited and the production of TSMC was blocked, the economy in the United States and China will inevitably be affected.

Taiwan ’s semiconductor output accounted for more than 60 % of the global market the previous year

Taiwan is a semiconductor production area. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan, the semiconductor produced in Taiwan in 2021 accounted for more than 60 % of the global market;The total amount is more than 70 %.This means that the outbreak of the Taiwan Strait has caused the discontinued of TSMC, and the global chip supply chain will be interrupted.

On Thursday, the two members of the US Senate proposed a legislation to authorize the Bayeng government to negotiate with Taiwan on tax topics, hoping to reach an agreement to prevent US -Taiwan companies' double taxation in the two places in order to promote bilateral trade and investment.

However, Beijing strongly opposed the United States to do so, thinking that this is equivalent to recognizing Taiwan's independence.

Double -payment of tax blocking Taiwan Enterprise Investment in the US and High -tech Industry

The United States does not have a formal diplomatic relationship with Taiwan, so it lacks income tax agreement, which means that the income between Taiwanese companies and individuals in the United States must pay taxes to the United States and Taiwan at the same time.Double tax payment is a major obstacle for the United States to attract more Taiwanese companies to invest in semiconductors and other high -tech products in the United States.

Mean Dez, chairman of the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, issued a statement saying that Taiwan "is vital to supply chain toughness and the future economic security of the United States."He said the legislation was "more important than ever", and he pointed out that mainland China used mandatory means to "obstruct Taiwan to participate in international economic activities."

The bill named Taiwan Tax Agreement Act of 2023 in 2023, which is a member of the Asia Pacific and International Cyber Security Group Committee of the Asia Pacific and International Cyber Security Group of the Senate Foreign Committee of the Senate Foreign Committee,Chairman Fan Homen and the Republican Senator of Utah Romney jointly proposed.

Van Homen said in a statement: "Taiwan is an important economic partner of the United States, but currently Taiwan and American companies have been taxed, causing a burden on these companies, and hindering the opportunities for further cooperation and investment in both parties."

The day before the bill was proposed, Democratic Party leader Shumo and several Democratic Senters stated that they planned to draft a comprehensive bill of two -party cooperation to strengthen the United States' economic competitiveness in China.