(London Composite Electric) The Coronation Ceremony of the British royal family in 70 years is held on Saturday (May 6) in the Church of Westminster, London.New monarch.

The Bishop of the British Holy Guild, Caliberby, announced at the coronation ceremony that Charles III was "unquestionable king", and the Crown Crown, which weighs 2.23 kilograms and is inlaid with 444 gems on Charles' head.After Charles completed the coronation, William kissed his father's cheeks.Subsequently, the Great Bishop also crowned the queen Camilla.

Great bishop crowns the queen Camilla.(Agence France -Presse)
After Charles completed the coronation, William kissed his father's cheeks.(Agence France -Presse)

At the ceremony, Charles and Camilla were four boys around them lifted their robes for their robes, known as the "Honor Four Knights".Charles's nine -year -old Sun George is one of the Honorary Knights, and Camilla's Honorary Knight is the grandson and Sun Yan of the previous marriage.

The members of the British royal family played their due characters and negative tasks in the Ceremony of Saturday, but Charles's younger son (38 years old) and his brother Prince Andrew (63 years old) did not play a formal role and were arranged to sit sitting.In the third row of royal seats, the two were still treated by the royal family.

The royal family members waved their hands on the balcony.(Reuters)

Harry and his wife Meghan resigned from the royal family in 2020. After the two, they repeatedly attacked the British royal family.Prince Andrew was deprived of all military ranks and royal duties for sexual assault scandals involved in the US's late billionaire Edistan.

After the coronation ceremony, Charles and Camilla returned to Buckingham Palace from the Church of Westminster.An hour later, the two waved their hands to the masses on Buckingham Palace balcony.The accompanying royal family members did not see Harry and Andrew.

Other royal members, including the Prince of William and their three children, Princess Annie, Prince Edward Couple, etc., waving to the masses on the balcony.The people at the scene made a huge cheer.

As early as the coronation ceremony began, many British people leaked the night in the center of London, so that they could see the king and queen march at close range.

From the early morning of Saturday, people who have wearing red and white and blue clothes and holding flags have gathered on the streets of London, forming a row of teams waiting for the royal parade.

Some people said in an interview that they arrived at the scene to express their support for Charles III and the royal family.Some people are to witness the "opening of the new era", and some people are purely to make fun.

Sterling (53 years old), born in London but living in Canada, "returned" from Toronto to London with her sister this time, in order to witness this rare coronation ceremony."I can't imagine Britain without the royal family, it has taken root in the soul of this country."

Teacher Mitchell (63 years old) told Reuters that seeing so many people in the scene to watch the parade was very moved, but he also said that "the biggest concern is that young people have lost interest in all this. This isThe planting scene will no longer exist in the future. "

A number of British polls show that the public support rate of the public has fallen to a new low, and most young people do not care about the coronation ceremony of the king.