Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter report that the Bayeng government is raising various weapons and equipment of 500 million US dollars (about S $ 663 million) for Taiwan, and applies it to the fast channel power used to accelerate the provision of weapons to Ukraine.

People familiar with the matter revealed that the United States will transport the weapons or auxiliary equipment in the existing inventory to Taiwan through the "President's extraction authorization" to Taiwan.It is unclear for the specific types of arms provided.

Pentagon and the White House on Friday (May 5) have not responded to the review request.

The United States and allies are increasingly worried about the pace of Chinese military modernization, and issued a warning that Beijing hopes to have the ability to attack Taiwan by 2027.

Extract inventory will make the United States be able to bypass the long weapon signing and production processes.According to the US Congress, the value of the United States has approved but has not been delivered to Taiwan as much as $ 19 billion.

The 2023 National Defense Authorization Law authorized President Biden by the US Congress used the US inventory military backup of not more than 1 billion US dollars to support Taiwan, but some members complained that the administrative official actions were slow.Congress did not allocate funds for the supplementary funds of these weapons, so the Pentagon will have to apply for funds after withdrawal.

The United States will inevitably irritate China and drag down Biden's efforts to return to China.Washington has proposed to Beijing that the Secretary of Defense Austin and Li Yifu in the two countries were arranged to the SingaporeMeeting during the forum .

The United States After the Chinese spy balls flew across the territory in February, the two sides bigMost high -level communication has fallen into a deadlock.

Austin and director of the National Intelligence Bureau, Heins, said they did not think that the risk of the military attack on Taiwan was imminent.