(London Reuters) Russia's mercenary organization Wagner claims to withdraw from the front line of the Bachurut, the heavy town of Eastern Ukraine, and even requires the position to be transferred to the troops of Cadrov, the leader of Chechen, but Russian experts and military analysts believe that Wagner's statement of Wagner's statementNot credible.

Wagner's head of Prigner announced on Friday (May 5th) that due to the lack of ammunition, its mercenary will be withdrawn from the front line of Bachmut on May 10"" ".

Pricigen and then sent a letter to the Russian Defense Minister on Saturday (May 6), asking Moscow to issue a combat order before 00:00 on May 10th to transfer Wagner's positions in Bachurut and its surrounding areas toThe troops of the Akhmat camp.Ahmat's combat forces commanded by Kadrov.

Russia attacked Bachmut for more than nine months but failed to overcome it.Porigen seems to have intended to give up, but the experts interviewed believed that Perigen's speech was difficult to take it seriously.

Matten, an expert at Russian security issues from Banard College and Columbia University, said that Pryigon and his mercenaries are "an important part of Russian military information, so we don't believe in what he said."

She believes that this is a "smoke bomb" and refers to the reckless approach to the enemy's "broadcasting" to withdraw troops to the enemy five or six days in advance.

Austrian analyst, Mandigt, also said that if Pryigon really withdraws his troops, the Russian army believes that it will be too late to take over.This will give the Ukrainian armed forces the opportunity to seize part or even Bachomut from Russia.

Another analyst believes that Pricig is actually issuing an ultimatum to Russian President Putin, hoping to force Moscow to provide the additional supplies and support he needed.

Ukraine Deputy Defense Director pointed out that Wagner was actually transferring soldiers from other front -line areas to try to capture Bachmut in time before the Winning Day celebration of World War II next Tuesday (May 9) Russia.