(London Composite Electric) British King Charles III The ceremony was held on Saturday (May 6) in the Church of Westminster, London, but a number of polls showed that the British's support for the monarchy fell to a new low, and the British people were not interested in the coronation ceremony.

The National Social Research Center of the United Kingdom (NatCen) at > The polls conducted a week ago showed that the British people's support for the monarchy was only 29%, which was the lowest point since the same polls began in 1983.In addition, 45%of the British believe that the monarchy is not important, and it should even abolish. Last year, the number was 35%.

Only 12%of young people think that the monarchy is very important

Natcen's Chief Executive Officer Gudewin pointed out that the British people's views on the monarchy showed differences in generations. Only 12%of young people aged 18 to 34 think that the monarchy is very important.Among those, 42%support the monarchy.Fighting for young people to continue to support the monarchy will be the main challenge of Charles.

BBC (BBC) commissioned the international polls YOUGOV's polls in the past month that only about 26%of young people aged 18 to 24 think that the monarchy is beneficial to the UK, compared with 2019, which is more than 2019.48%of the year is much lower.In addition, young British young people do not care about the coronation ceremony of the king.

According to the BBC report, coronation is not a necessary step to become a monarch, but it still has strong symbolic significance.Buckingham Palace has previously said that the roots of the coronation ceremony are planted in the long -term tradition of the United Kingdom for thousands of years, which will reflect the role of the monarch and look forward to the future.

More than half of the British people objected to pay for the coronation ceremony

Because the coronation ceremony is a state -owned event, the cost is borne by the British government, which is borne by the taxpayer.However, according to YOUGOV's polls, more than half of the British people (51%) believe that the government should not pay for Charles' crown ceremony.

A series of crises such as British prices soaring and shortage of materials are the main reasons for the public to use taxes to pay the coronation ceremony.Among the most affected young people aged 18 to 24, the ratio of opposition is 62%, which is much higher than 43%of elderly people over 65 years old.

In addition, the impermanence of the British royal family has also led many young people to dissatisfaction with the British royal family.It is reported that based on the agreement reached by the monarch and the British government, Charles did not need to pay inheritance tax from the property inherited from the late mother Elizabeth II.

BBC analysis pointed out that whether the monarchy can be made with the time, making young people continue to support, which is very important for the continuation of the British royal family.This is one of the challenges he had to face for the newly chairman Charles III.