(Washington Composite Electric) The United States Biden government warns that if the United States cannot extend its debt upper limit, it will cause the country to fall into the "chaos" of debt default, which will be seen by American competitors in China.

Sharlanda Young, director of the White House Management and Budget Office, told reporters on Thursday (May 4): "They are happy to see the American system chaotic ... seeing that we cannot do basic work."

The US government debt defaults may cause serious economic turmoil at home and abroad, but the Republican and Democrats of Congress have not had much time, but it can be agreed on how to authorize more borrowings or deal with the first debt defaults.

Sharlanda Yang said that the White House will discuss how long the debt limit has extended the debt limit with the Republican members of the House of Representatives. The White House still believes that the two parties can find a way to avoid debt defaults.

The US National Intelligence Director Hanes also said to the Senate Military Commission earlier, and also said: "I think Russia and China want to pass information operation, making everyone think that the United States is chaotic and cannot operate like a democratic country."

The Democratic Party of the United States Senate accusing the debt limit required by the Republican members of the House of Representatives on Thursday, forcing the United States to make a choice between a significant reduction of expenses or federal defaults, which will eventually lead to a decline in the US economy.

Democratic Party Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, Whitehs, described that their current choices are "breach of contract or disaster."

Moody's Chief Economist Zan Di said in the confession of the committee that the Republican Party was worried that at this time when people were worried about the future economic recession proposed a cut for expenditure.possibility".

Moody's Analysis Company predicts that by 2024, the Republican reduction plan will lead to a decrease of 784,000 employment positions, and the default of at least six weeks will cause more than 7 million jobs in the United States.