(Washington / Kiev Composite Electric) Haynes, US National Intelligence Director, said that Russian argument in Ukraine was unable to organize any major counterattack operations. The focus of the Russian army now has shifted to consolidate the control of Ukraine occupation.At the same time, the Russian mercenary organization shows that it will evacuate the Wudong Strategy Town next week Bach Murte .

Haynes on Thursday (May 4) pointed out at the US Senate Military Commission's hearing that the Russian army damaged many soldiers on the Ukrainian battlefield.The ammunition and personnel of the Russian army are "serious" shortage, and this year is unlikely to launch a major offensive."Russian President Putin may have narrowed ambitions, just want to consolidate the control of the occupied land in eastern and southern Ukraine, and ensure that Ukraine will never join NATO."

She pointed out that even the minimum offensive, Putin had to force recruitment, and also had to obtain a large amount of ammunition supply from other countries."We continue to think that Putin is most likely to speculate that time is beneficial to him, and extending war may be the best way to leave, to ultimately protect Russia's strategic interests in Ukraine."

She believes that Putin's possibility of concessions to promote peace talks is very low, unless domestic political vulnerability prompts him to change his views.

She said that the Russian army's losses have been so great that military power needs to be "rebuilding for many years". In the case of weakening conventional military power, Moscow will depend on the deterrent role in nuclear capabilities, network capabilities and aerospace forces.

However, Hanes revealed that the United States evaluated Russia unlikely to use nuclear weapons; she said that Russia's use of nuclear weapons is "very impossible".As for how the US intelligence agency comes to this conclusion, she has not further explained.

U.S. officials have no signs, no signs show that Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons, but emphasized that they will be vigilant.

In terms of war in Ukraine, the Russian mercenary organization Wagner's head of Vagina announced on Friday that due to the lack of ammunition, the organization will withdraw from the front line of Bachomut, Wudongzhongzhong Town on May 10th.The Russian army, the remaining Wagner armed personnel will withdraw to the back camp to "lick the wound".

Porigen posted a video saying: "I want to withdraw the Wagner forces out of Bachmut. Without the lack of ammunition, they will be sacrificed in vain."

In the video, Pryigon stood in front of dozens of bloody corpses, "These are the Wagner who died today, and the blood has not been done."

Lelle, a military analyst at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), believes that Wagner's insufficient appeal ammunition may reflect that the Russian military has begun to implement ammunition distribution to cope with the coming of the Ukraine's counterattack.

Russia said on Thursday that the Kreml Palace was drone , and the main conspiracy was the United States.Russia will also attack Ukraine, but does not provide evidence to support these two claims.Ukraine denied allegations that the National Security Council spokesman Kobe's interview: "I can guarantee that the United States is not involved ... no matter who it is, it has nothing to do with us." The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said that Putin was not in Kremlin at the time of the incident.Palace, no one was injured in this attack.