After the head talks held by the United States and South Korea, the Washington Declaration was issued to announce the creation of a nuclear negotiation team and strengthened the "extended deterrence" and discussed the nuclear strategic planning.However, South Korea originally looked forward to the United States' relaxation of inflation and chips and scientific laws in 2022, which has no progress in these aspects.

Biden: Any nuclear attack against the United States and allies will be destroyed by the regime

On the 70th anniversary of the Korean United States and the United States, Yin Xiyue, the South Korean president who had visited the United States for the first time in the past 12 years, was welcomed by the US President Biden and nearly 7,000 guests on Wednesday (April 26).Biden and Yin Xiyue then met at the oval office and held a joint press conference.Biden emphasized the United States' defense commitment to South Korea, including strengthening the "extended deterrence" to deal with North Korean threats.

Bynden warned: "Any nuclear attack on the United States and allies will face the demise of power."

The heads of the two countries announced in the Washington Declaration that the United States will expand the South Korean and American nuclear crisis consultations, add the US -South Korea military training and simulation exercises, and establish a new nuclear review team, and expand the US strategic assets around the United States around the Peninsula.Disposal, etc., strengthen "extending deterrence" for South Korea.

U.S. officials said that the United States will deploy ballistic missile submarines in South Korea, which is the first time that the United States has done this since the early 1980s.Biden's statement was to send nuclear submarines to visit South Korea, but it shows that nuclear weapons will not be deployed on the Korean Peninsula.

Senior officials at the South Korean President's Office said that Han and Mei will hold a two -to -three nuclear review team meeting this year.

Analysis: Bayon is busy running for re -election or difficulty in the economic field

South Korea's financial community originally highly expected the United States to relax the chip and the scientific law and reduce the inflation method in 2022, but these were no progress.The analysis pointed out that although South Korean President Yin Xiyue led the largest economic delegation to visit the United States, for the US President Biden who was preparing to run for re -election in 2024, it may be difficult to make concessions in the economic field.

U.S. chips and science law not only require Korean companies to provide sensitive information such as yields, but also stipulate that Korean companies cannot expand facilities in China within 10 years if they want to get US government subsidies.In 2022, the reduction of inflation only subsidized electric vehicles made in the United States.

Nevertheless, Biden emphasized: "US economic growth, and in South Korea, SK, Samsung, and other industries are also creating jobs. This is a win -win situation."

For the outside world questioning whether Yin Xiyue's trip "returns empty -handed", the South Korean President's Office emphasized that "the heads are discussed only in large frameworks, and actual consultation between departments will still be negotiated."

South Korea's SBS TV News pointed out that in the case of poor semiconductor export performance, the United States still does not relax the "toxic terms" of chips and the scientific law, which will bring a great burden on Korean enterprises.

In addition, South Korea and the United States reiterated that Russia's invasion of Ukraine was improper, but it did not directly propose the issue of arms assistance.In terms of Taiwan issues, Han and American leaders only mentioned "strongly opposed to unilateral change of the status quo".

Director of Han: Declaration is just beautifying the existing nuclear umbrella

South Korean analysts believe that in one sentence, the Washington Declaration is that in the face of the threat of the North Korean North Korea, the United States will strengthen protection and provide weapons to South Korea. Therefore, South Korea does not need to mention “nuclear military arms alone”.South Korea and the United States announced the strengthening of extended deterrence, and reached another agreement. South Korea officially possessed a window for the U.S. nuclear decision. This can be regarded as the result of this summit talks.

However, Liu Chengzheng, a former ruling party member of South Korea, said that the declaration was only for existing nuclear umbrellas and extended deterrence and gorgeous rhetoric.He emphasized that 76.6%of South Korean citizens believe that "it is necessary to perform nuclear weapons alone."The new nuclear negotiation team is not as good as the NATO nuclear planning group, which is no different from the existing meeting of the Ministry of South Korea and the United States of Defense.It is important that there are more than 150 to 200 B-61 nuclear bombs deployed by about five member states in NATO, but South Korea does not have nuclear weapons.Although the US military's strategic assets go to South Korea regularly, they only have to leave for a few days, so it doesn't make any sense.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning responded to the joint statement of South Korea and the United States, saying: "In order to achieve its own geopolitical interest, the region is safe and ignored, and insisted on using the problem on the Peninsula issue to play and manufacture.The camp confrontation, the destruction of the nuclear non -diffusion system, harming the strategic interests of other countries, exacerbating the tension of the peninsula, destroying the regional peace and stability, and running counter to the no -nuclear target of the peninsula. The Chinese side resolutely oppose it. "