(London Composite Electric) British Foreign Minister Cleverly urged China to publicly explain its military activities and military expansion in the Pacific India to avoid tragedy misjudgments on the future of Taiwan.

Cleverly delivered a speech at the mayor's residence in London on Tuesday (April 25) to explain the UK's position in China.According to the excerpts released by his office, Cleverly stated in his speech that it is the wrong approach to launching the new cold war and seeking isolation China, but he also questioned China's military motivation and condemned China to oppressive human rights and human rights in Xinjiang.Destroy Hong Kong freedom.

Cleverly said: China is undergoing the largest military expansion in the history of peace.Britain and allies are preparing to disclose our existence in the Indo -Pacific region.I urge China to make the theory and intention behind its military expansion, because maintaining transparency is absolutely in line with the interests of everyone, and secret operations will only increase the risk of tragic misjudgments.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of the British Sunak government's position in China so far, and highlights that Britain must maintain a subtle balance when dealing with China.Although the United Kingdom does not meet the free values of human rights, it is aware that China has great economic influence.

Cleverly said: From climate change to preventing epidemic diseases, from economic stability to nuclear diffusion, there are no major global problems to be resolved without China's lack of China.

As the second largest country in the world's military budget, China rarely reveals the overall size, composition, deployment and other details of the armed forces.The U.S. Department of Defense said in the annual China Military Report last year that the Chinese People's Liberation Army is preparing to use force to seize Taiwan under the case in Beijing, and at the same time, it will be deterrent, delayed or blocks any third parties.Intervention in Taiwan.

Bloomberg pointed out that Clever's speech echoed China with a relatively cautious statement in China.Yellen said last week that although US national security is more important than economic relations, the United States has no intention of decoupling trade with China.

British Prime Minister Sonak also believes that Britain must maintain trade and diplomatic relations with China.He did not clarify China as a threat according to the request of some hawk Conservatives. Instead, he described it as an epoch -making challenge.

Generally, the annual policy speech of the British Foreign Minister will explain the government's position on a series of diplomatic issues.The Cleverly Office pointed out that because China is extremely important for global affairs, this speech only talks about China.

Cleverly said in his speech: Giving up China is to give up the biggest problem facing humans.For me, it is clear and easy to declare the new Cold War and claim that the goal is isolation China. This is also wrong, but it is also wrong.Because this will violate our national interests, and it is also a deliberate misunderstanding of the modern world.