South Korean media reported that North Korea recently launched more than 30 Korean factories in Kaicheng Industrial Park without authorization.The analysis pointed out that in addition to the sales of Pyongyang Department Store in the Kaicheng Park, North Korea also exported to China and Russia to earn foreign exchange.

According to the South Korean Central Daily, the Kaicheng Industrial Park, which was fully shut down in February 2016, had 125 Korean factories.By 2022, there were more than 10 Korean enterprises factories launched by North Korea without permission, but it has recently increased to nearly three times.North Korea also uses raw materials that Korean companies have not recycled.

This is the result of various intelligence assets such as South Korea's use of military observation cameras to master the trends in the park recently.

Sources said: "North Korea has also used the Korean enterprise factory and equipment production in the Kaicheng Park to earn foreign exchange. Recently, there are even intermediaries that specialize in buying and selling the Kaicheng Park in the border areas of China and North Korea.Activity in Korea. "

According to the official survey of Korean intelligence, the added value of electronic products produced by more than 20 Korean enterprise factories is relatively high. Some products are sold in Pyongyang Department Store and other places.Essence

It is reported that North Korea's main products produced in Kaicheng Park are rice cookers.In the past, Cuckoo failed to recover more than 10,000 finished products and more than 420,000 finished products when shutting down in the park. North Korea used these to produce "cottage Cuckoo" and sold it in Pyongyang Department Store.

In addition, 8 to 10 textiles, clothing and other factories conduct foundry operations.According to the UN Security Council resolutions (No. 2375 and 2397) in September 2017 and December 2017, North Korea shall not export textiles and electronic equipment.North Korea's products produced by the Sino -Russian sales of Kaicheng Park not only violate the UN sanctions, but also earn foreign exchange for nuclear military development funds.

For this reason, the Ministry of South Korea notified North Korea earlier this month not to use the Kaicheng Park Korean facilities without authorization.However, North Korea not only ignored it, but also unilaterally cut off all communication contact between South Korea and North Korea.South Korea ’s unified minister Quan Ningshi issued a statement condemned, saying that the Kaicheng Park will eventually make North Korea be isolated and caught in a more difficult situation.

The Ministry of Unification of South Korea stated that the South Korean government will claim to North Korea for the illegal behavior of Korean -aged property rights that violates the property rights of South Korea.

North Korea launched 73 ballistic missiles last year. The South Korean Institute of Defense estimates that North Korea spent about $ 560 million for this.This money is enough to allow North Korea to buy a shortage of food (1.2 million tons in 2022), and there are more than.

Kaicheng Industrial Park was put into operation in 2005, and it was the largest economic cooperation project between South Korea and North Korea.In 2016, after North Korea conducted the fourth nuclear test, the South Korean government announced the comprehensive interruption of the operation of the Kaicheng Park. After that, North Korea announced the comprehensive closure of the park.