(Washington Composite Electric) Nine Republican Senators in the United States co -signed a letter to the Bayeng government, urging the United States to sanction Huawei Cloud and other Chinese cloud service providers on the grounds of national security.

Reuters reported that these senators on Tuesday (April 25) in a letter to the US Department of Commerce, the State Council, and the Ministry of Finance stated that Chinese cloud computing companies are getting more and more frequent contact with foreign entities, including sanctions, including sanctions, including sanctions, including sanctions, including sanctions, including sanctions, including sanctions, including sanctions, including sanctions, including sanctions, including sanctions, including sanctionsForeign entities, which directly challenges the national security and economic security interests of the United States, allies and partners.

The letter pointed out that Huawei Cloud (SpaceTy (Tianyi Research Institute) and China Changsha Enterprise Tianyi Space Science and Technology Research Institute (SPACETY) in 2021 jointly established the "Tianu Constellation" computing platform.Tianyi Research Institute has recently been sanctioned by the US Treasury for satellite image assistance to Russian entities.

In addition to Huawei Cloud, these members also named Alibaba Cloud, saying that the company's close connection with the Chinese military has made it "clear and continuous threats" for US national security.The letter requires the list of Alibaba Clouds on the export control list of the Ministry of Commerce, and the list of Chinese military compounds of the Ministry of Finance.

Sign signed on the letter include Republican Senator Bill Hagerty, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, etc.They wrote: "We urge you to use all available tools to implement sanctions, export restrictions and investment ban, and take decisive actions on these enterprises, while further investigating China's cloud computing service company."

According to the Wall Street Journal, Greg GianForte, governor of Montana, USA is seeking to revise a bill of disable Tiktok to expand the scope of application to other social media covering other data to provide some data to other foreign opponents.application.

The Mongolian Parliament approved the disable Tik Tok on all devices this month, becoming the first American state to introduce the Tik Tok Act.If Jen Fort signed on the bill, the ban will take effect from 2024.