(New York Composite Electric) UN forecast that India will surpass China in this week and become the country with the largest population in the world.The United Nations pointed out that these two large countries with more than 1 billion people are facing severe problems with aging population, and they must be prepared for this.

The Ministry of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations on Monday (April 24) said: "It is estimated that by the end of this month, the Indian population will reach nearly 1.426 million, which will surpass the Chinese population."

India's population catch -up China is mainly due to the rapid growth of India's population, and China's population has begun to decline after reaching 1.426 million last year.According to the United Nations report, China's population data is not included in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan data.

China ’s birth rate dropped six years after the birth rate, and the first year last year's population increased for the first time in nearly 61 years; the official announced in January this year that the national population was nearly 1.412 million, a decrease of 850,000 compared with the end of the previous year.Over the past three years, China's labor population has decreased by more than 41 million, about the total number of labor force in Germany.

The annual world population status report released by the United Nations predicts that the Indian population will reach this milestone in the middle of this year.The latest report announced on Monday is the adjustment prediction based on more information.It pointed out that from this year to 2050, the population materials over 65 years old in China have nearly doubled, and India will double more than doubled, which constitutes a huge challenge to the local medical care and social insurance system.

But relatively speaking, China's population aging is relatively fast.It is expected that by 2040, the population over 65 years of age will be over 25 years old; by 2050, it will account for 30%of the total population.India is currently one of the youngest countries. More than half of the age is under 30 and the median is 28 years old.

United Nations: China -India must focus on social security measures to maintain the well -being of the elderly population

The United Nations believes that these two large population countries must pay attention to social security and other measures to maintain the healthy and well -being of the elderly population.Because the total population of the two countries accounts for more than one -third of the world, their population structure changes not only bring major economic and social challenges to their country, but also enough to affect how the world achieves sustainable development goals.

Since the decline of the Roman Empire in the 5th century AD, China has been the country with the most population in the world. Nowadays, the decline in population is mainly a result of decades of strict implementation of one -child policy. The policy has only stopped in 2016.Rising living expenses, more women's work and receiving higher education are also factor.

The United Nations predicts that by the end of this century, China's population may be reduced to about 1 billion.The UN Population Department and the head of the Ministry of Economic and Social Affairs Wilmos said at a press conference in New York: "In 2022, each woman in China had an average of 1.2 fetuses.2.1 The population is more replaced. "

India's population is expected to continue to increase for decades, and in the middle of this century, it may reach about 1.5 billion.Herteg, a senior official of the United Nations Economic Affairs Department, said at a press conference: "We predict that the Indian population may stop growing around 2064, and then become stable."