(Washington / Kiev Composite Electric) Hicks, Deputy Minister of Defense, said that the US Department of Defense is learning from the Ukrainian war from the Ukrainian war, which may help them prepare for potential conflicts with China.

Kathleen Hicks said in an interview with Bloomberg on April 21 that one of the experience is that the United States must maintain a stable ammunition production channel, and the other lesson is that this conflict highlights the importance of technological progress.

Hicks said: "We are now learning how to develop our industrial base. These bases have been in the cycle of decline in the past 60 years."

The United States must ensure that we will continue to provide weapons and ammunition for Ukraine, but some arms manufacturers are worried that the government may stop buying ammunition in one or two years.The Ministry of National Defense therefore must make the arms dealers more predicting production through long -term contracts.

The Ministry of National Defense also obtained the president's "reduction of power" to speed up the transportation of weapons to Taiwan.This authorization allows it to transport inventory weapons to Taiwan, and then fill it out."We are considering how to use these powers to transport ammunition faster and larger to provide supplies for our troops in the Pacific."

Both the battle Ukraine and Russia are facing the problem of shortage of key ammunition. The United States also found that its inventory has been exhausted while transporting supplies to Ukraine.

Another experience from 52 -year -old Hicks is the importance of the space field to future wars.She said the conflict highlights the "incredible commercial space innovation ecosystem" in the United States.

During the war, this ecosystem (star chain) enables the Internet to continue to operate in Ukraine, allowing the Ukraine to accurately detect the goals, so that the front line image can be transmitted outward; the system also generates a large number of satellite images to reveal Russia to reveal RussiaMilitary activities.

The Ministry of Defense provided 36 military reserve to Ukraine with the president's "shrinking power".Hicks pointed out that even if the United States continues to armed Ukraine in Europe, its focus is still on competition with China in the Pacific.She said: "We don't have to weigh between two places. We have a clear strategy focusing on China."

In terms of war, Russia attacked a museum of Kupiansk, a museum near the city near the front line of Northeast Ukraine on Tuesday, causing 10 injuries to two deaths.The brutal way kills the Ukraine ... completely destroy us, destroy our history, culture, and people. "

He means that Russia has destroyed more than 60 museums and galleries.The Ukrainian army recovered an important railway hub Kopizusk in September last year.

At the same time, Ukraine is currently cooperating with the Federal Investigation Agency (FBI) and US companies to collect evidence of the Russian war crimes.FBI officials, who once served as a member of the Ukrainian legal affairs, said at a network security conference in San Francisco that the investigation included a forensic analysis of the investigation of mobile phone information and a forensic analysis of the sample of deoxyrogetal (DNA).He said: "The next step is to cooperate with the US national service provider ... to obtain geographical location information as much as possible."