Korea President Yin Xiyue this week to North Korea The problem is the same global problem.

His remarks immediately caused a strong response from Beijing. The outbreak of a drool war between China and South Korea, and the diplomat continued for a few days before stopping.

China and South Korea's confrontation on Taiwan's issue is another shadow of China -US hegemony.Some Korean scholars support Yin Xiyue's statement, thinking that South Korea should take the United States -centered alliance train, and some people worry about South Korea at the same time offending China and Russia at the same time, worrying that China will "account for accounts after autumn."

Why did Yin Xiyue suddenly talk about Taiwan before visiting the United States?Is this a new route to China in Korea?What will affect the situation in the Northeast Asian situation again in China and South Korea?

Han Yonghong , and the Director of the China Newspaper China News Team Yang Danxu and Seoul correspondent Jiang Guiying Analysis.

Wonderful fragment

Jiang Guiying, a correspondent in Lianhe Zaobao: After all, Yin Xiyue now takes a hot potato to the United States ...

Moderator: He is a state -of -state visit, how is it called hot potato?

Jiang Guiying: He may not be happy to the United States. On the surface, he is happy, but now he doesn't just talk about the problem of this nuclear umbrella in the United States, plus the addition of the nuclear umbrella, plus the addition of it, coupledIn that semiconductor ... I'm a little worried.

In this issue (click the bookmark in the player, you can jump to the corresponding chapter):

  • 02:23 The name of visiting the United States?
  • 07:33 Is China restrained?
  • 19:20 China's results of watching Yin Xiyue's visit to the United States?
  • 22:06 Questions and Answers

Extended reading:

Looking at the world and monitoring China's heartbeat, East talks , discuss international hot topics every week, and analyze international current political dynamics.At 7 pm Singapore time on Tuesday.