Swedish Aerospace Corporation Monday (April 24)After launching a research rocket, the Rockets deviated from the established track and fell into the neighbor Norway.

Reuters reported that the Swedish Aerospace Corporation (SSC) issued a statement saying that after the Rockets launch from the ESRANGE Space Center, they conducted zero -gravity experiments in a 250 kilometer high air.15 kilometers.

After the fall accident, SSC communication director Philip Ohllsson said that they notified major related units such as the Swedish and Norwegian government based on routine practices.

However, a spokesman for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the official notice has not received the official notice of the incident, emphasizing that "attach great importance to any unauthorized activities on the Norwegian border."

This accident did not cause casualties.Olson said: "The Rockets landed in a mountainous area at an altitude of 1,000 meters, and the nearest settlement was 10 kilometers."

It is not clear the cause of the rocket. SSC claims that it is recycling.

In this regard, a Norwegian spokesman showed that any salvage operation in the country needs to be agreed in advance.