(Power Power Power), a senior representative of EU diplomatic and security policy Josep Borrell, said that the relationship between Europe and China depends on Beijing's behavior, including actions affecting the development of the Taiwan Strait.

Berreli Sunday (April 16) pointed out at a remote speech at the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) Foreign Minister meeting: "Anything happening in the Taiwan Strait is of great significance to us."

He described China as "partners, competitors and systemic opponents", and emphasized that in these three relationships, the EU will tend to, "it will depend on China's behavior."He also emphasized that it is necessary to contact China and continue to communicate.

The Foreign Minister of the Seventh Kingdom Group gathered Karuizawa Karuizawa in Japan to hold a three -day meeting. The main issues include unity and concerns about China and Taiwan.

A senior official of the US State Department told reporters on the way to Japan that the foreign ministers of the Seven Kingdoms were concerned about "some actions taken by China".Essence

Macron: Europe should not be involved in the Taiwan Strait crisis

The above -mentioned U.S. officials pointed out that the recent statements of the Seven Kingdoms Group mentioned that they need to be frank and constructive with China, and at the same time acknowledged that all member states have a deep economic connection with China, the world's second largest economy.

French President Macron said in an interview after a visit to China recently that Europe should not be involved in the Taiwan Strait crisis, and Europe must strengthen strategic autonomy and should not become the vassal of the United States.France is one of the member states of the Seventh National Group, and Macron's remarks may highlight the problems of Europe and the United States in China.Last Friday, European diplomators showed a tough position on the Taiwan issue, calling on Beijing to not move against Taiwan.

German Foreign Minister Berbak tried to emphasize the unity between the members of the Seven -Kingdoms Group.Before she moved to Japan, she issued a statement saying: "As a democratic country, when our partners and friends around the world are confident in us, we can achieve success when we compete with autocratic forces.Misunderstanding is divided, or new differences are misunderstood. "

The host Japan believes that the Ukraine crisis highlights the risk of military conflict in the Taiwan Strait.Sato Kocho, a professor of international relations at the Liming Pavilion Asia Pacific University, said: "For Japan, it can be bluntly stated that security issues should be limited to the Ukraine War ...It is important. "Japan is afraid of China's military expansion, especially worried that Beijing will move against Taiwan.

The British Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying that the Foreign Minister of the Seventh Kingdom Group will discuss how to make international support to play the greatest strategic role, assist the Ukrainian army to continue to advance on the battlefield and strive for persistence and peace.