The Director -General of the WHO Tan Desai said that compared with the popularity period, the world is much better.In the past, the number of deaths reported every week is "when we first use the word" big popular "for the first time three years ago."

(Geneva Composite Electric) The World Health Organization said that the popularity of crown disease is about to end up. Crown disease is expected to be defined as a disease like seasonal cold this year, and it is no longer listed as "international concern for public health.event".

The World Health Organization (WHO) Director -General Tan Dezai said at a press conference at a press conference on Friday (March 17) that the world is much better than at any time during the popular period.In the past, the number of deaths reported every week is "when we use the word" big popular "for the first time three years ago."

He said: "I believe, we can say that this year we can say that the 2019 coronary virus epidemic is no longer a‘ international concern for public health incident ’.”

However, Tan Desai added: "We haven't reached that step at this time. Until last week, there were still 5,000 death cases every week, the number is too large."

Ruian, the executive director of the Sanitary Incident Planning of the WHO, said at the press conference: "We have reached the point where we can look at the 2019 coronary virus like seasonal popular colds."

He said that this virus will still threaten health and continue to cause death."But this virus does not disturb our society or disrupts our hospital system. I believe that as Tan Dezai said, this situation will come this year."

When the WHO announced on January 30, 2020, when the crown disease was "internationally concerned the emergencies of public health incidents", there were only less than 100 cases outside China.On March 11 of the same year, WHO defined the crown disease epidemic into the world's "big popularity".

Tan Desai said: "Three years later, nearly 7 million people were reported to die due to crown disease. We know that the actual number of deaths is much higher."

The WHO called for China to "fully share" to help trace the source gene data

He also said: "Although we have more and more hope for the end of the popularity, how does it start to get answers?" He called on China to "fully share" genetic data that helps trace the source.

Raccoon Dog, which has reported reports that Wuhan South China Seafood Markets may be the middle host of the crown disease. Tan Desai said: "These data can be -and should be shared three years ago."

The data from the China Disease Prevention and Control Center are related to the sample collected in Wuhan South China in 2020.This information was published on the database of the global sharing of influenza data initiative (GISAID) in late January.Some scientists downloaded and analyzed data.A French biologist and her team discovered a gene sequence in the database last week.However, when experts propose to analyze with Chinese peers, the gene sequence is deleted from the database.Scientists put forward these data at the meeting of the WHO Consultation Group of last weekend.

Vankelkhofv, a technical director of the WHO Coronation epidemic, said that they showed molecular evidence, indicating that animals were sold in the market, including SARS-COV-2)animal.This virus can cause crown disease.

She said: "The biggest problem at the moment is that this data does exist, but the international community is not easy to obtain ... We continue to call on China to maintain transparency when sharing data, conduct necessary investigations and share results."

In response to the owner of the crown disease, Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, answered at a regular press conference on the 17th: "This question is recommended to find relevant experts to understand ... China always supports and participates in the worldScientific traceability cooperation, many times invited experts from the WHO to China to carry out crown disease traceability cooperation. "