In response to the eagle, the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Sher said that the United States does not seek decoupling with the Chinese economy, but it will seek reducing risks.However, she emphasized that the United States will maintain a firm position on issues such as Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang, China's "economic stress", and "threat behavior" on Taiwan.

(Washington Composite Electric) The U.S. government said that although there is a dispute between the China and the United States due to a balloon incident, the United States will still work hard to keep in touch with China; in addition, the United States does not want to conflict with China, but it will remain firm on the issue of Chinaposition.

Schurman, Deputy Secretary of State of the United States Wednesday (February 15), gave a speech at the Brookings Society of the US think tank in the US think tank. Although State Secretary of State Brosky was canceled this month's visit to China due to a balloon incident, China and the United States never stopped communicating with communication.Or try to understand each other.

She said: "We have maintained communication channels with China in the past, present, and the future, and responsible managing competition between the two countries. We do not foresee that conflicts with China. We firmly believe that diplomatic forces can prevent conflicts.Misjudgment. "

In response to the eagle to claim that the US economy is stripped of the Chinese economy, Serman said that the United States does not seek to decompose with the Chinese economy, but it will seek reducing risks.However, she emphasized that the United States will maintain a firm position on issues such as Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang, China's "economic stress", and "threat behavior" on Taiwan.

Shelman called on China not to use US members to visit Taiwan as an excuse for military operations, and said that all countries should discourage China.

She said that the Russian and Ukraine War exacerbated the global energy and food without guarantee and inflation pressure. If the Taiwan Strait conflicts, the situation will be the case."I urge all countries to tell China ... this will affect my people and countries. This is not a good idea."

As for whether Brinton would take advantage of the Munich Security Conference to talk to China, Shelman refused to confirm that Brinton only delayed it instead of canceling his visit to China.

The U.S. military shot down a balloon from China on February 4, saying that it was spy balloon, while China was said to be a civilian scientific research balloon.After the U.S. military, three unknown flights were shot down, and the preliminary assessment may be commercial tools.

Byebang will make a national speech guarantee that it will not cause Sino -US conflict

Anonymous officials in the United States said on Wednesday that according to the scheduled flight trajectory of suspected spy balloon, it should have flew over Guam and Hawaii, but was blown away from the route.After the balloon flew over Alaska, the Aiuzhen Islands, Canada and central United States, they were beaten outside South Lorolina.

Inspectors revealed that US President Biden was likely to make national speeches on the balloon incident on Thursday (16th) as soon as possible.It is expected that he will tell the people that they do not need to worry about these flight objects. Officials have taken measures to protect national security and ensure that the incident will not cause Sino -US conflict.

Experts point out that the unknown flights shot down in the U.S. military may be meteorological balloon, civil drone or other non -military air vehicles.There may be nearly a thousand balloons in the world to observe the weather. They have different sizes. Many can fly hundreds of miles, and some can rise to a height of 100,000 feet.

Biden has instructed Guoan Consultant Sha Liwen to lead a cross -institutional group to formulate guidelines for how to cope with unknown flight objects.

Democratic Senator Kelly proposed Congress legislation to forced high -altitude and research balloons equipped with answers.

Kelly was an astronaut at the US Navy pilot and the National Aerospace Agency (NASA).In an interview with Reuters, he said: "If these balloons carry the respondent, the military's work will be much easier-we will not want to launch AIM-9X missiles for NASA's weather balloon."